Tax code 1257L: How to check your tax code is correct as 2022/23 tax year begins

THE PERSONAL allowance threshold for income tax has been frozen until 2026, but as the new tax year begins, Britons may want to check they have the correct tax code.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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The tax code 1257L covers the majority of the working population, and it is used for most people who have one job and no untaxed income, unpaid tax or taxable benefits. It has replaced the 1250L tax code, which was often used from 2019 to the end of the 2022 tax year.

Tax codes are used by employers or pension providers to work out how much income tax is due on their income or pension. 

HMRC allocates the tax codes and instructs providers on which ones to use, but there is always the potential for error which Britons are urged to check on. 

The 2021/2022 tax year ended at the beginning of this month, making now the ideal time for Britons to check their tax codes. 

HMRC will usually tell Britons their tax code is changing in either February or March each year.


Woman checking her taxes

Workers who think there is a mistake with their tax code should contact HMRC (Image: GETTY)

The frozen personal allowance indicates the amount a UK taxpayer can earn without incurring a tax bill. 

For National Insurance, this was £9,880 per year, meaning workers could earn this amount without paying NI contributions. 

However, in the spring statement Chancellor Rishi Sunak raised this in line with the income tax threshold of £12,570 per year.  

This threshold for income tax will be frozen until 2026, and while it does provide some stability for forward planners, it could be to the detriment of workers' wages.


HMRC letter

HMRC usually contacts taxpayers if their tax code is due to change (Image: GETTY)

Wages generally rise each year, and with the threshold being frozen this essentially means taxpayers will start having to pay tax sooner than before as their wages grow. 

Ultimately this does however depend on wage inflation until the threshold is unfrozen. 

Once workers' wages go above the threshold they are taxed at a 20 percent rate for earnings between £12,571 and £50,270.

If their earnings increase even further they will pay 40 percent income tax for earnings between £50,271 and £150,000. 

Any earnings higher than this amount is taxed at the highest rate of 45 percent. 

While it may not sound like much, increasing the threshold by just one percent in the next tax year would give workers an additional £130 and saved basic rate taxpayers roughly £26 off their income tax bill.

Typically, employees within the £12,570 and £50,271 bracket with just one employment and no tax deductibles or benefits that may affect their tax liability will receive the 1257L tax code. 

It's possible to check one's Income Tax online via's "Check your Income Tax for the current year" tool.

If a worker believes their tax code is incorrect they can contact HMRC on 0300 200 3300. 

Typical things that can affect one’s tax code include:

  • Changing jobs
  • Having more than one job
  • Starting or leaving a job in a tax year
  • Retiring in the tax year
  • Having more than one source of income
  • Changing deductible allowances
  • Changing taxable benefits.

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