Council tax: Britons in certain accommodations will not receive the £150 rebate

ALL HOUSEHOLDS in England in council tax bands A to D should receive a £150 council tax rebate, but it is estimated that over 20 percent of the population will not be eligible.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

GB News: Eamonn Holmes rages at council tax rises

The rebate was announced by Chancellor Rishi Sunak in February as a helping hand for struggling Britons during the cost of living crisis. However, people in council tax bands E to H, those without a current account or staying in different accommodations may not receive it.

Council tax bands are allocated by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) depending on the property value in 1991 for England and 2003 for Wales. 

The amount of tax payable for each band increases as the property value does the same, with A banded homes paying the lowest rate. 

This is why the rebate was made available to those in bands A to D as the Government claimed it would reach roughly 80 percent of the population. 

Due to this criteria, around 20 percent of the population, or 4.3 million homes, will automatically not qualify for the rebate as they are in bands E to H. 

Woman distraught over bills

The council tax rebate has started rolling out this month (Image: GETTY)

These are homes valued at £88,001 and upwards in 1991 in England or £123,001 and upwards in 2003 in Wales. 

Whilst it is the general assumption that Britons living in these bands are financially better off than their counterparts in lower bands, Age UK has warned it could disproportionately impact older generations.

They estimate that 2.1 million of the homes in bands E to H house at least one person aged 60 or over. 

Older people may be living in higher valued homes that are often more expensive to heat and could be going through financial hardships just like those in bands A to D. 


Woman distraught over bills

Britons who use direct debit to pay their council tax should automatically receive the rebate (Image: GETTY)

There is already great concern for older Britons as lacking finances mean some have to choose between daily necessities and heating their homes, and choosing either over the other can result in health complications. 

Additionally, members of the armed forces and their spouses living in subsidised accommodation will also not qualify for the rebate. 

These accommodations are usually exempt from council tax but the Ministry of Defence will reportedly contact them about support for cost of living.

Britons who own a home that are in bands A to D but are currently staying in a care home or hospital will also not receive the rebate. 

This is because they are also usually exempt from council tax in these circumstances as their home is unoccupied. 

However it has been noted that people in these circumstances may be able to apply for the discretionary fund support provided to their local council. 

Britons who stay in houses of multiple occupation, such as house shares, will not directly receive the rebate but their landlord will instead. 

In houses of multiple occupation, the landlord is usually responsible for the council tax bill but tenants in these accommodations that pay their energy bills directly may be able to access the discretionary fund as well. 

The rebate will be automatically provided to eligible residents who pay by direct debit.

Those using other payment methods expected to be contacted by their councils with further information on how to claim the rebate. 

However, there has been some concern over Britons who do not have a current account, an estimated 400,000 people currently. 

The Levelling Up Committee has asked councils to investigate whether the rebate could be paid in cash for these residents. 

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