81-year-old with £13,000 in Premium Bonds wins £1million jackpot

A PREMIUM BONDS holder won a £1million jackpot, having bought her first bond in 1956.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Martin Lewis gives updated advice on premium bonds

Every month two lucky Premium Bond holders find themselves millionaires overnight with the NS&I jackpot draw. One winner claimed her £1million at the age of 81. The lucky saver, named as TB from Nottinghamshire, who was so blown away by the revelation she simply returned to her household chores.

TB was going about her usual household chores, vacuuming her home when a young woman at the front door interrupted her. 

The woman said she was from NS&I, but understandably TB was hesitant. She said: “Naturally I was cautious in allowing her into my home.

“Finally, she dropped the bombshell – I had won £1million.”

TB noted her first thought was: “Why hadn’t it come when I was younger?”

Elderly woman smiling

Every month Premium Bonds holds their prize draw offering customers the chance to be a millionaire (Image: GETTY)

The NS&I representative pointed out that TB could buy a new car, go on holiday, move house amongst a range of other things.

However, TB shared: “But I already could do and had done those things. My reply was that I would help my family – that would give me most joy.”

After NS&I's "Agent Million" left, TB eagerly wanted to tell people, and with her children all at work she phoned her partner who promptly told her he was convinced it was a scam.

With nothing more to do in the moment, TB simply “got on with my vacuuming”, but this time as a millionaire. 


Woman walking into a private jet

TB was able to visit her son in New York while travelling in style (Image: GETTY)

Roughly a week later NS&I set up a meeting between TB and some recommended financial consultants to go through all of her opportunities, obligations and possible pitfalls. 

TB noted: “I was made aware that any gifts I made would be liable to tax if I did not live for seven years, so I had to be sure to keep sufficient money on hand for my children to pay the taxman, should I die before then.”
Thoroughly advised on the possibilities, TB set about sharing the love and winnings with her family.

She commented: “I gave my three children £200,000 each. One bought a holiday home in New York state, the sum seemed even bigger after being transferred into dollars then.

“Another bought a newer house close to where I live, and the third paid off her mortgage and did much-needed work on the property. 

She continued: “To each of my six grandchildren, I gave £10,000, which is a nice little nest egg. One granddaughter desperately wanted to do an MA and was able to pursue that ambition. She now has her dream job with the BBC.”

TB did eventually buy herself something: a new car when her old one finally admitted defeat and was able to visit her son in New York, flying first class. 

She added: “This year I again flew there first class. We take frequent holidays nearer to home for some winter sunshine. I also have a big adventure to look forward to – a month’s holiday, cruising around the Indian Ocean followed by stays at Victoria Falls and trips up the Zambezi.”

TB had bought her first bond in 1956 when Premium Bonds first started, building them up and draining them over time as her situation called for.

When she eventually won the jackpot in 2016, only £13,000 remained in her account, after having had many smaller wins, noted as “lots of cheques for £25".

“After my £1million jackpot, I took up almost the maximum allowance. The £25 prizes I still win automatically go into buying more Bonds.

“I understand no one has ever had two big wins. I wonder if this could happen to me. I will certainly let you know!”

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