Martin Lewis shares ‘good option’ for savers as interest rates decision looms

MARTIN LEWIS shared the top savings options available to savers this morning, ahead of the base rate decision, during an appearance on ITV's This Morning.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Martin Lewis provides advice on savings accounts

noted that he is expecting an rise to be announced today, with the current base rate doubling to 0.5 percent. He said the possibilities for a rise or drop in interest rates are equal, but savers have an array of account options currently open to them.

One caller, Catherine, posed the question to Mr Lewis saying: “I’ve just received money and I’m just looking for the best savings account."

Armed with £5,000, Catherine indicated that she was not looking to lock away the money for too long like many do when they find themselves with a large windfall. 

However, Mr Lewis pointed out: “I think you’re asking me about one hour and 34 minutes too soon. We are likely to have an interest rate announcement at 12 o’clock today that could see UK interest rates going up. 

“I’d say it’s 50/50, the current UK base rate is a quarter of a percent. There’s a decent chance it will go up to a half a percent and then we will see savings rates rise.”

Martin Lewis

Martin Lewis answered viewer questions on This Morning's programme today (Image: GETTY/ITV)

Mr Lewis pointed out his suggestion was based on the potential that no rate rise occurs.

Still he cautioned savers: “I would wait.”

He noted: “All the banks I mention have the full UK £85,000 savings safety protection. So there’s a backup there."

The first suggestion Mr Lewis made was the Union Bank of India, which is currently providing 1.4 percent interest on their one year fixed account. 


Bank notes

An interest rate rise now could be the saving grace for households in the cost of living crisis (Image: GETTY)

The top easy access accounts from Cynergy and Investec are offering 0.71 percent, but for those that want something in between, Mr Lewis shared another option.

He said: “There’s a hybrid here that you could go for with what’s called a notice account. Where you put the money but then you have to either give 60 or 120 days notice to get it out which might work in your circumstances.

“Then say for 120 days, Shawbrook is paying about one percent but you have to give three months’ notice to get your money out. But if that would work for you that’s good.

“That’s my answer now but it could all change at lunchtime. So I’d definitely be waiting to hear.”

Mr Lewis concluded the segment by noting that any savers who find themselves with a windfall or extra cash should look to pay off debts such as credit cards rather than putting it directly into savings.

Elsewhere, energy price cap increases have been announced this morning, with the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak holding a press conference this afternoon.

The conference is expected to address packages and measures the Treasury could be making available for UK households that have been battered by the cost of living crisis.

Additionally, the Bank of England is due to release their decision on a potential base rate rise by midday.

Experts across the country have noted that they expect the current base rate of 0.25 percent to be doubled.

If this does come to fruition, a 0.5 percent base rate could be a saving grace for households as their savings struggle to keep up with skyrocketing inflation.

Mr Lewis added that he will be discussing the changes and updates on his show Martin Lewis Money Show this evening. 

This Morning airs weekdays on ITV from 10am.

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