Switch savings and 'tackle' debt: Easy strategies for financial wellbeing in 2022

MANY fear having to sacrifice their financial health to stay afloat amidst the cost of living crisis, but one expert has shared five strategies for success in 2022.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Martin Lewis gives financial advice on dealing with debt

As many New Years’ resolutions now begin to be forgotten, Britons are still cautious on saving or spending too much in the face of a potential cost of living crunch due roughly in April. However, there may be a way savers can prepare themselves, and their bank accounts, for the tax rises, high inflation and low interest rates beforehand and make 2022 the year for financial wellbeing.

Annie Charalambous, head of communications at ETX Capital, shared some strategies exclusively with Express.co.uk that will hopefully see Britons retaining financial stability throughout 2022.

Debt deletion 

Savers often forget that saving big means spending less and this doesn’t just include disposable income but their debts and immovable bills as well. 

Many experts advise dealing with debt before starting to save, and while getting rid of debt may not seem beneficial for savings in the short-term but will free up a lot of disposable income in the future. 

Ms Charalambous shared that the average UK credit card debt currently sits at roughly £1,962. Being proactive with this type of debt can help improve not just one’s financial standpoint but their credit score, mental state and relationship with money in general. 

Couple reviewing their finances

Rearranging monthly repayments can see many paying off their debt sooner (Image: GETTY)

She noted: “While many of us are unlikely to pay off all our debts – especially substantial ones like home mortgages – some smaller debts may be holding us back when it comes to savings.

“There are several ways to tackle debt, all dependent on your circumstances."

It can often be recommended to deal with debts which accrue the highest interest rates first.

This can help Britons to avoid paying more in the long-term, as Ms Charalambous touched upon.

She advised: "This would mean paying the minimum monthly payments on all other debts and using any additional funds to clear the repayments on the high-interest debt as quickly as possible. Once this has been repaid, you can then do the same to the next highest-interest debt.”


Credit card bill

Most saving strategies start with limiting one's monthly expenses, including debt (Image: GETTY)

For example, having £5,000 of credit card debt with an APR of 18.9 percent and monthly minimum repayment of £100 would take roughly seven years to pay off, amounting to almost £4,000 in interest alone. 

However, paying £200 per month instead could save roughly £2,700 in the long run and cut down the repayment timeline by five years according to Ms Charalambous.  

She added: “Alternatively, some may choose to prioritise smaller debts with lower interest rates that can be quickly paid off. This allows for some quick wins and helps build momentum towards clearing the more daunting, larger debts.”

Switching savings

Savers are often advised to shop around for the best possible interest rates on accounts that suit their needs, but Ms Charalambous suggested that the interest rate is not all that they should be looking at. 

She noted: “There may be other rewards on offer for moving your money. For example, some savings accounts offer cash incentives for switching, while others offer benefits for specific savers. This includes the Lifetime ISA, which offers government contributions towards savings for a first property purchase or retirement.”

HSBC is one such bank, currently offering £150 for new customers to open an account with them. 

Ms Charalambous shared the current best offers for interest rates now available:

  • Family Building Society easy-access savings - 0.72 percent interest
  • ZOPA one year fixed rate account - 1.36 percent rising to 1.75 percent at five years

It is worth noting that the Family Building Society account requires a minimum of £1,000 to open the account and has a deadline of February 7, 2022. 

Ms Charalambous also cautioned against fixed rate accounts, and said: “If interest rates go up in the meantime, this could mean missing out on greater earnings. And it’s important to bear in mind you won’t have flexibility in withdrawing savings should you need instant access to cash.”

Auditing expenses

The average Briton pays roughly £39 per month for subscription services they don’t use according to Ms Charalambous. 

Cleaning up any loose ends and outdated or unused payments can see savers keeping hundreds in their pockets every year.

Automate savings

Ms Charalambous suggested that savers set up a monthly direct debit to move money into their savings account before they have time to use it. 

This will likely curb any impulse spending and help one stick to their New Years’ saving goals well into the summer. 

Learn trade

Many experts don’t have hope for a major interest rate jump in the near future, which is why many now suggest investments. 

Ms Charalambous added: “Many of us will be looking to diversify our investment portfolios to make the most of our money and mitigate risk. This may include dividing our savings between bank accounts, stocks and shares and even cryptocurrency.

“However, while a diverse investment portfolio offers the opportunity to make your money work harder, it’s important to remember to trade responsibly.”

It is important to note that every investment has capital at risk and no return is guaranteed. 

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