PIP: Three questions may help decide if you are due over £150 per week from the DWP

POTENTIAL PIP applicants could find out if they are eligible by answering just three simple questions.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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, formally known as Personal Independence Payments, can be difficult to apply for, and many eligible claimants may not apply due to a fear of being rejected. Benefits information provider Benefits and Work showed answering ‘Yes’ to three questions could mean that one is eligible for PIP.

The highest level of PIP, on both the mobility and daily living aspects, can provide Britons with over £150 per week. 

PIP is also one of the only benefits that disregards whether one is working, their income, savings and other financial information. 

However, one of the biggest downsides of this benefit is the application process, which some have described as lengthy.

This often sees many eligible applicants not even trying to claim the annual £7,000 they are owed. 

Man staring out of a window in deep thought

People who answer 'Yes' and meet the other eligibility criteria could be missing out on thousands (Image: GETTY)

Benefits and Work has shared the three questions that could show if a person should attempt to apply:

  • Do they have a long-term health condition or disability?
  • Does this condition or disability make it difficult to do everyday tasks such as cooking, being with people or getting around?
  • Are they aged between 16 and state pension age?

The benefits information provider suggests answering ‘Yes’ to all three of these questions should make one consider taking their PIP application seriously. 


Man reading the labels on pill bottles

Applicants shouldn't shy away from listing all of their symptoms, treatments and requirements (Image: GETTY)

A PIP application begins with calling or writing to the PIP new claims department after which one will receive a form they will need to complete detailing their condition or disability. 

Benefits and Work advises that some people will be rejected as they do not specify or reveal the full effects of their disability or condition. 

Once one has returned the form they may be invited to an assessment with a health professional to provide more information following which the decision on whether the applicant has been awarded PIP and at what rate will be posted to them. 

The amount individuals will receive from PIP will depend on their illness or disability, how it affects their lives and their ability to do ordinary things.

There are two aspects of PIP:

  • Daily living part which provides £60 on the lower rate and £89.60 on the higher rate
  • Mobility part which provides £23.70 on the lower rate and £62.55 on the higher rate. 

Receiving the higher rate for both aspects can see claimants earning roughly £7,900 per year.

Additionally, while the application process can be intimidating, it doesn’t take into account financial aspects that might bar one from receiving other benefits such as Universal Credit. 

Circumstances that will not prevent a person from receiving PIP:

  • Working
  • Income level
  • Savings
  • National Insurance contributions
  • Living accommodations
  • Having carers.

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