TV licence fee to be scrapped by 2027: 'Great news for vulnerable people'

TV LICENCE fees have been officially frozen by the government for the next two years before being scrapped completely.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Gregory Campbell questions Nadine Dorries on TV licence fee

TV licence fees currently sit at £159 and will now remain at this level until 2024. The freeze has been hailed as a saving grace for struggling families with the intention of scrapping the bill altogether.

The BBC has been pushing for the licence fees to increase in line with inflation, a move that would see households paying over £180 by the year 2027.

The two year freeze will stop the fee from rising until 2024 at the earliest, following which the fee will increase for a further two years before being abolished in 2027 as reported by BirminghamLive.

Households should not see any change in price until April 1, 2024 at the very earliest. 

This freeze will already see households saving roughly £16.


People celebrating

The licence fee freeze will save households an estimated £16 (Image: GETTY)

Karl Tippins, financial expert at Pension Times, commented on the situation: “With the recent news that TV licenses will be frozen for two years and will then increase in line with inflation for a further two years, is great news especially for the most vulnerable people in our society.”

The freeze was announced on January 17, as well as the plans for TV licences following the end of the freeze in 2024.

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries shared that the fee will be frozen at £159 until April 2024 and it will then rise in line with inflation until the end of the Royal Charter.

The Royal Charter currently funds the BBC and is due to end on December 31, 2027.


Person holding a television remote

£3.5billion was collected in licence fee revenue in 2020 (Image: GETTY)

It has been reported that this will see the TV licence fee being completely abolished.

This news has come during a time of intense financial insecurity for pensioners, as the suspension of the triple lock will see them missing out on a potential eight percent increase in state pension. 

The state pension was due to increase in April, with the triple lock it would’ve risen in line with wage increases, however, the Government argued that these numbers were not realistic due to the pandemic and so state pension will be rising in line with inflation instead. 

This is under the double lock mechanism and although it will still see the state pension rise, many pensioners have not been thrilled. 

Additionally, the increasing state pension age has seen the same age group worried about losing other benefits at the same time their income is seeing a meagre 3.1 percent increase. 

The free NHS prescriptions and bus passes are all benefits tied to the state pension age which would see many waiting a few more years than planned if the minimum age rises.

Mr Tippins explained that this TV licence fee freeze has come at the perfect time to help pensioners concerned about paying their bills.

He shared: “Many elderly people will be cutting costs in order to pay the basic bills potentially, so keeping the license fee frozen for two years will hopefully mean our most vulnerable pensioners will be able to keep watching TV which many have been relying on since the pandemic as their only form of socialization.”

Previously, TV licences were free for all over 75s simply due to their age, but a recent change saw only those claiming Pension Credit eligible for the freebie. 

Applicants already claiming Pension Credit can apply for the free licence when they are still 74. 

Residents of care homes are still eligible to qualify for a discounted TV licence fee and those with severe sight impairments are still entitled to a 50 percent fee reduction. 

All households in the UK require a TV licence in order to watch or stream live content whether they are doing so on an actual TV or other devices. 

Anyone not covered by a TV licence could potentially face a £1,000 fine along with being ordered to pay legal costs or other penalties.

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