Cold Weather Payments haven't risen in over a decade - how inflation has eroded benefit

COLD Weather Payments have not risen since 2008, sparking some to wonder if an increase will be on the horizon in the future.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

BBC Weather warns of showers and cold weather across Europe

As inflation settles at an all time high, there are many benefits that now appear to be frozen in time. This includes winter heating benefits which would have seen consumers getting almost £10 more in Cold Weather Payments.

There are an array of winter benefits to help Brits keep warm during the coldest and most expensive time of the year. 

Cold Weather Payments were originally created in 1988, however, the current benefit payment of £25 was last updated in 2008. 

Had the Cold Weather Payments kept in line with inflation, consumers could have been receiving £34.11 by 2020. 

Similarly, Winter Fuel Payments are less valuable than they were in 2009 and Warm Homes Discount has not changed for the last 10 years.

Person standing in snow

The winter benefits aim to assist struggling households with covering winter heating necessities (Image: GETTY)

Winter Fuel Payments were originally introduced for all over 60s, with eligible households claiming between £250 and £400 tax free in 2009. 

Since then the eligibility age has crept up, settling around 66 currently and offering a maximum of £300.

The Warm Home Discount has been paid out at the rate of £140 for the last 10 years, providing a discount on heating bills during the winter. 

However, if the discount had kept in line with inflation the current rate would be £169. 


Person counting coins

Despite having access to the benefits, many still struggle financially during winter (Image: GETTY)

Former Pensions Minister Baroness Altmann has been calling for an emergency winter manifesto of action to help elderly people who are struggling financially during the current cost of living crisis.

In an article she penned for, she shared her concerns that Winter Fuel Payments, Cold Weather Payments and Warm Homes Discount are not at the level they should be. 

She noted that increasing these payments will “reflect the rise” in energy prices and cost of living that pensioners and households are having to face. 

Cold Weather Payments are made automatically to individuals receiving certain benefits or support for mortgage interest. 

The £25 is paid out for every seven day period of extremely cold weather that is forecast or reported. 

Eligible households can receive the Cold Weather Payments for any seven day period below zero degrees between November 1 and March 31.

The Government has advised that it can take up to 14 working days for the payment to be reflected in one’s account.

It will however be paid into the same account one receives their benefits payments into. 

To be eligible for the payments, one must be claiming one of the following benefits:

  • Pension Credit
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit
  • Support for Mortgage Interest.

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