Tax-free savings account could see you make £190,000 - but delay would wipe off £40,000

SKY HIGH inflation paired with record low interest rates seem to be the ingredients of a financially destructive year for households, but 2022 also holds the opportunity for financial freedom.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Upcoming changes to state pension in 2022

After almost two full years of the pandemic, no household’s finances are the same as they were in 2019, and building wealth seems out of the question for those simply struggling to survive. However, Leigh Philpot, commercial director at AHR Private Client shared exclusively with how Britons can achieve financial freedom in 2022.

While the last two years have had a devastating effect on individual finances, many are now starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel for their bank accounts. 

Although, that is not to say that global markets feel the same way. With travel bans and international restrictions still looming, and the Omicron variant showcasing how quickly a market can be destroyed again, no one really feels secure. 

Mr Philpot noted investments have not been entirely stable either during the pandemic, predicting 2022 likely holds lower levels or returns amongst the high inflation and growth expected.

As a result of this, he said investors should be looking towards their net returns after tax, fees and inflation batters them.

Man sitting on a staircase distraught

Many financial goals were abandoned due to Covid but 2022 might be able to give them a second chance (Image: GETTY)

In this regard, tax efficiency is key to building sustainable and tangible financial growth in the coming year, commenting: “We advise our clients to do this year in, year out.

“This includes making the most of annual contribution limits while also utilising personal income tax and capital gains tax allowances to manage their finances efficiently.”

He continued: “Indeed, by maximising contributions to Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) and pensions, the long-term benefits of tax efficiency and compound interest can substantially improve people’s financial position over the long-term.”

Mr Philpot provided an example, saying that putting aside the maximum of £20,000 contribution allowance into an ISA every year for two decades (totalling £400,000), with a five percent growth rate, would lead to an astounding £590,000.


He warned that because of the compounding effect of these types of savings, being just one year late could shave up to £40,000 off the total projection. 

“Remaining tax efficient is undoubtedly key to long-term wealth gain, however, so too is keeping fees and other charges to a minimum. 

“This entails more than simply choosing the lowest cost option or having a portfolio of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and requires making sure all of the money is working in the way it should.”

Mr Philpot added: “Unfortunately, we see a lot of legacy portfolios that have been left to grow stale for too long, and previously strong performing fund managers are now lagging their benchmarks with expensive fees.”

2022 set on towers of coins

New Years' resolutions are often set around improving one's finances and lifestyle (Image: GETTY)

He explained that a mere two percent yearly increase in fees can cut around 40 percent of one’s total investment 25 years later, so noting any fee changes is vital to avoid this.

Mr Philpot said that in the face of overstretched income and rising tax rates, investors should seek assets that protect and enhance the value of their portfolio.

“Alternative asset classes have been seen as a good way to achieve this, with infrastructure and commodities such as gold and property often seen as good inflation hedges,” he commented.  

“It’s important to consider, however, that these can also be very volatile assets. For some, it may be worth considering adding inflation linked government bonds (gilts) as part of their investment portfolio. These assets grow in value in line with UK inflation.”

Keeping up with societal trends, throughout the pandemic there has been a growing emphasis on sustainability and socially responsibility in the wider market.

This can be translated into an investment strategy by connecting with funds that share these aspirations. Mr Philpot suggested that microfinance investment schemes are a good example of this.

Mr Philpot concluded: “Crucially, when looking at wealth management in the new year, seeking professional advice will be key. 

“Notwithstanding all the considerations which have been mentioned earlier, discussing a wealth strategy with an adviser will certainly impact people’s understanding and confidence about their financial plan for 2022.”

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