Tax in Europe ranked: Cyprus beats UK as pensioners offered 'double tax treaty'

UK EXPATS may decide moving to Cyprus is an even more attractive option as a 2021 report has found the country still holds the top rank for "Tax Freedom Day" out of the whole of Europe.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Tax Freedom Day - which represents how much time goes into ensuring annual taxes are paid - falls in mid-April in Cyprus. Cyprus is currently leading Europe with the earliest Tax Freedom Day on the continent.

Generally calculated by how long one has to work to pay off their annual tax, starting on the first of January, with Cypriots only working until April 14 to pay off their yearly tax contributions.

For the rest of this fictional year, from April 14 to December 31, everything earned by those in Cyprus is entirely their own.

“Taxes are a key consideration for anybody considering a move abroad,” said Jason Porter, director of specialist expat financial planning firm Blevins Franks.

“The combination of income tax, national insurance/social security, capital gains tax, VAT, council tax, excise duties and so on, amounts to a significant amount of money being paid to the taxman every year.”

The first €19,500 (£16,672) of general worldwide income is tax free in Cyprus. Tax rates then start at 20 percent, rising progressively to 35 percent for income over €60,000 (£51,299).

Certain investment income is instead subject to a ‘defence contribution’ if a person is considered resident and domiciled in Cyprus.

Man at the beach in Cyprus

Retiring in Cyprus is becoming more and more financially beneficial for many British expats (Image: GETTY)

“Even as a tax resident of Cyprus, expats would usually only be considered domiciled if they were born there or have lived in the country for at least 17 years,” said Mr Porter. “For this reason, many British expats do not pay any tax on interest or dividends for almost two decades of residence.

“Note that this could affect a claim to be non-UK domiciled for UK inheritance tax purposes."

For pensioner expats benefitting from the UK - Cyprus treaty, this allows their retirement income to be taxed only by Cyprus at these low rates.

Helping them to avoid double taxation and save a months’ worth of income from being devoured by the UK’s May 30 Tax Freedom Day.

Mr Porter also noted different options for pensioners looking to retire on the island.


"There are several options available. To give an example; by choosing to have the pension taxed at the scale rates, they will not be required to pay any tax on income under €19,500 (£16,667), when added to their other income.

“Then again, they can opt for pension income to be taxed at a fixed rate of just five percent, with the first €3,420 (£2,923) completely tax free.”

He continued: “There is also a particular benefit offered by the UK/Cyprus double tax treaty that allows any pension – apart from UK government service pensions – to be taxed only in Cyprus.

“However, British retirees can still elect to have income derived from UK government service pensions to be taxed in Cyprus until 2024.”

Mr Porter noted that transferring pension funds into a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme, or QROPS, could provide an array of benefits depending on one’s circumstances.

Inheritance written in wood

Inheritance tax in the UK is a big worry for many pensioners (Image: GETTY)

Another aspect attracting potential expats from many European countries is that Cyprus has no inheritance, gift or succession levies.

This allows people to freely pass on their assets without the fear of placing a taxation burden on their next of kin.

Mr Porter noted, however, that these ‘death taxes’ may impact expats who remain UK domiciled, meaning the UK is their more permanent home despite living in Cyprus.

As a result, those that aren’t re-domiciled could potentially fall victim to UK inheritance tax unwittingly.

And there is an additional downside to Cyprus’ seeming free range on passing on assets; forced heirship.

As Mr Porter explained: “Cyprus applies ‘forced heirship’ rules on the estate. Effectively, this places some restriction on freedom for writing a will, as a large percentage of the estate must be divided between direct family members, even if the will stated otherwise.”

This law states that an estate must be split between statutory and disposable portions.

In practice, this would mean that in the case of death, if there is a surviving spouse and/or direct descendants then they will receive two thirds of the deceased’s estate in equal shares.

In another example, if there is a surviving spouse and parents of the deceased, half of the estate will be split equally between the spouse and parents.

However, if the individual is survived solely by their spouse, with no direct descendants or parents, the entire estate can be disposed of by will.

Expats are warned of this forced heirship, as the EU Succession Regulation also allows any foreign national residing in Cyprus to use the succession law of their country of birth instead.

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