Multimillionaire was once told he would ‘never amount to anything’

MULTIMILLIONAIRE Gary Ashworth has founded or backed over 30 businesses in his 40 year career, but life didn't seem so bright when he had just left school.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Entrepreneur Holly Tucker recalls ‘risking it all’

Mr Ashworth started his entrepreneurial journey at 21 after being told by his father “We’ll always love you son, even though you’ll never amount to anything”. Now chairman of three companies, investor, published author and podcast host, Mr Ashworth shared exclusively with what it takes to be a success.

Mr Ashworth was not the typical success story, having not done well at school and avoided a degree entirely.

He believes schools are avoiding teaching three vital components to help young entrepreneurs become successful: financial literacy, curiosity and to not always take what those in charge say at face value. 

From a young age he understood that becoming wealthy was not something he could do working for someone else.

At 20, he endeavoured to start his own business, facing constant rejection by high street banks who refused to give him a loan due to his age. 

Gary Ashworth

Gary Ashworth started his first company at the age of 21 (Image: Gary Ashworth)

Little did they know he would soon found Abacus Recruitment, a company with the fastest growing share price two years in a row. 

Mr Ashworth commented: “I eventually sold it for ten times the float price five years after floating it. That felt pretty good.”

He added that while school was not his cup of tea, entrepreneurship has allowed him to pursue his passions and enjoy going to work each day.  

“Apart from freedom, choice and financial success, for me it’s now about coaching others to be the best version of themselves they can be. 


“And making sure they don’t make the same mistakes I did!”

Mr Ashworth noted that he aims to take as many limitations away from his CEOs as possible, allowing them to grow their businesses at record rates and providing what he calls “permission to succeed”. 

“Have fun, and make money with integrity seems to be the mantra of post-covid growth and that’s what I apply across all my investments,” he noted. 

Mr Ashworth's authorial debut in October 2021 showcased his business knowledge, which the media have been using for years as he is a referenced expert in almost every major UK publication.

Gary Ashworth playing with a dog

Mr Ashworth advised that entrepreneurs should not feel that they are too young or old to get started (Image: Gary Ashworth)

Mr Ashworth shared that the reason he appears to leap from one business venture to another is actually a consequence of some bad investments and “wasted years” earlier in his career. 

“It was a misguided pride which made me carry on, when I should have admitted defeat and used that grit for something new.”

At the moment, this ‘something new’ appears to be a bank specifically crafted for freelance workers in the modern gig economy. 

Mr Ashworth shared some poignant pieces of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs who may be facing the rejections he knew too well in his early career. 

“It’s not about the idea, It’s all about the execution. Don’t spend decades waiting for the perfect opportunity, start young. 

“It’s much easier to go all in when you don’t have a mortgage or family to think about.”

He added that the idea of an ‘age limit’ on entrepreneurship, which many people fall victim to, believing that they are too old or too young to succeed, is ridiculous. 

“I think it’s a glib quote made up by someone who has never worked for themselves. Start young if you can, but if you’re prepared to work hard enough, surround yourself with the right people and focus on the end goal, there are no upper or lower age limits. You could be 17 or 70,” he concluded. 

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