How Ray Dalio made £10billion fortune - starting with £220 investment at just 12-years-old

SERIAL entrepreneur, bestselling author and investor billionaire Ray Dalio currently has an astonishing $14billion (£10billion) net worth, but what many don't know is that his started amassing his fortune 60 years ago.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Mr Dalio has served as the co-chief investment officer at the world’s largest hedge fund since 1985, after founding it in 1975. The Harvard University alumnus is currently ranked by Bloomberg as the 79th wealthiest person in the world after making his very first investment at only 12.

Now, having achieved financial success retired from his position at Bridgewater Associates, Mr Dalio looks to share his corporate management style and investment philosophies to help others achieve his monetary successes.

Mr Dalio was drawn to the world of business and investing from a very young age, making his first investment when he was only 12-years-old.

While working as a caddy for the Links Golf Club, Mr Dalio often overheard stock market advice and insight from the golfers he waited on.

This prompted him to buy $300 (£220) worth of shares in Northeast Airlines, which soon tripled in returns and encouraged Mr Dalio to continue his investing journey.

Ray Dalio speaking

Ray Dalio started his investing journey at 12, now at 72 he is one of the wealthiest people alive (Image: GETTY)

Learning through trial and error, he now seeks to share his wealth of industry knowledge through his bestselling book ‘Principles’ and his latest business venture PrinciplesYou.

After winning admission to Harvard Business School and completing his studies, Mr Dalio officially began his business career at the New York Stock Exchange as a commodity trader.

He soon become the director of commodities at Dominic & Dominic LLC and just before founding his investment management firm, Mr Dalio also worked as a broker and trader at Shearson Hayden Stone.

In 1975 Mr Dalio founded Bridgewater Associates in his two-bedroom apartment which soon became the world’s biggest hedge-fund firm and currently manages around $140billion (£102billion).


Since stepping down from CEO of Bridgewater Associates, Mr Dalio has turned to social media to help spread daily bursts of inspiration from principles and values he has learnt from his years in the industry.

On social media he shares his ‘Principle of the Day’ to encourage people to change their mindsets and challenge them to live a better, more productive life, and subtly promote his PrinciplesYou venture.

Despite being 72, Mr Dalio doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon as he plans to further the industry of personality testing with a team of expert psychologists at PrinciplesYou.

By providing a deeper insight into how a person, and those around them react, work and motivate themselves, Mr Dalio believes this will help achieve a harmonious and productive workplace.

Ray Dalio

Mr Dalio founded Bridgewater Associates in 1975 (Image: GETTY)

This 30 minute personality assessment applies results to real situations in order to give people an insight into their tendencies and guidance on how to achieve their goals according to their personality type.

Mr Dalio does not necessarily fit the stereotype of hedge fund billionaire, as he is a daily practitioner of Transcendental Meditation and strongly believes in the connect between mind, body and universe.

He even accredited his meditation habits with helping him concentrate and success in his educational years.

Mr Dalio also shares his insights through social media, mostly on Twitter as part of his #PrincipleoftheDay campaign posts.

These have recently included:

“Remember that you are looking for the best answer, not simply the best answer that you can come up with.”

“Use tools to collect data and process it into conclusions and actions.”

“Look for people who are willing to look at themselves objectively.”

Another principle says: “When you have alignment, cherish it.”

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