'Enhance your career trajectory!' Six key elements to getting the promotion you deserve

MANY people are fully deserving of promotions but aren't getting it for reasons unbeknownst to them. This can generally be broken down into some very simple elements, which most businesspeople completely overlook because it involves an entirely different mindset to spot in the first place.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Firstly, employees wanting a promotion rarely ask for it due to a variety of excuses, and having the confidence to ask for what one deserves is most often found in entrepreneurs rather than employees. Award-winning serial entrepreneur and business mentor Bianca Miller-Cole shares why having the mindset of an entrepreneur when working in a traditional job will help people get the promotion they’ve been waiting for.

As Ms Miller-Cole explains, businesspeople do not need to become entrepreneurs to get this advantage in the corporate world, but rather they need to become an ‘intrapreneur’.

An intrapreneur is an innovative and passionate self-starter. They are employees who often find a way to streamline processes, expand market reach, or establish a company as an industry leader. Essentially, they treat the company/department or project as though it were their own business.

“This also explains why company owners are encouraged to always be on the lookout for employees with an entrepreneurial mindset. That's because an intrapreneur is an effective leader that can help a business grow,” she commented.

Ms Miller-Cole explained the six key elements of being an ‘intrapreneur’ that can help anyone secure their dream promotion:

Bianca Miller-Cole

Bianca Miller-Cole is a serial entrepreneur, author, business mentor and voice over artist (Image: Bianca Miller-Cole)

1: Be determined

She began: “Having entrepreneurial thinking requires you to be both an idealist and a pragmatist. For one, it allows us to understand the world as it is. But that does not mean we should remain passive about it.

“If you are an intrapreneur, it means that you always find ways to turn your dream into reality. And this includes making policy changes that will benefit both the company and your clients.” 

2: Create meaningful relationships

Networking is one of the most difficult and necessary aspects of business in general, and having connections to ‘higher-ups’ in any industry is always a big advantage.

“Networking and fostering relationships can help boost your career trajectory. However, not everyone has the confidence to connect with key stakeholders.

“As someone with an entrepreneurial mindset, it is imperative to build meaningful relationships. For one, those networks can help you get the promotion you want. Second, it allows you to learn from the leaders within your company or organization. This can include learning how to manage a team or deal with clients,” Ms Miller-Cole added.


3: Know where to focus

She explained: “Focus allows you to zero in on the things that need to be done. But what if you have too many priorities?”

This can be problematic for many people and is often the cause behind a lacking promotion, as an inability to prioritise can see vital tasks being forgotten or completed after the deadline.

“An intrapreneur knows when to prioritise things and finish one task that allows you to accomplish many things. This makes you a productive and commendable corporate talent. And those who bring results to the table can get promoted.”

4: Embrace innovation

“An intrapreneur is an innovative and passionate self-starter. Hence, they always find things in the company that must change for the better.”

Ms Miller-Cole elaborated: “The key here is to be open to experimenting. If you want to develop your entrepreneurial thinking, you should always look for ways to streamline your company's processes. This includes eliminating or automating repetitive tasks.

“That's because streamlining processes allows an organization to serve more clients, boost its revenue, and cut down costs. And people who come up with such solutions are often tasked to lead these innovations.”

Bianca Miller-Cole

Ms Miller-Cole and her partner Byron Cole mentor over 150 mentees through their business Self-Made (Image: Bianca Miller-Cole)

5: Seek knowledge

It’s a general rule that successful people continue to educate themselves on a variety of topics and interests throughout their life, and upskilling oneself helps not just to bag a promotion but also increase potential job offers that may be better than the promotion.

“Often, people use their time to rest and get entertained. While there is nothing wrong with that, it is also essential to make time to develop yourself. As such, an intrapreneur seeks out ways to develop themselves and their entrepreneurial mindset.”

Ms Miller-Cole explained that an intrapreneur uses their spare time to attend online courses or webinars, create goals and clear plans, listen to podcasts, network and ultimately take care of their physical and mental wellbeing to ensure they are always running at optimal efficiency.

“As the great entrepreneur and speaker Jim Rohn once said, ‘Formal education will provide you a living; self-education will provide you a great fortune’,” she continued

6: Be ready to pivot

Changing the course of a business has been the sole reason many smaller businesses survived lockdown and has proved the vitality of this personality trait.

“For someone to be ready to pivot, it means you have to be aware of business trends. From there, you can weigh up whether jumping on the bandwagon makes sense for the company. If it is, how do you plan to adopt it?

“Whether you may be a corporate talent or side hustler, that does not mean that you cannot accelerate your entrepreneurial mindset to push your career ahead and embrace your innate creativity.

“If you consider yourself a company asset, you will want to develop your entrepreneurial mindset and be an intrapreneur, which in-turn allows you to become an indispensable part of the company.

“As such, it can help you get the promotion you always wanted,” Ms Miller-Cole concluded.

Ms Miller-Cole shares more advice in her second book which launched this week: The Business Survival Kit - a guide for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who wish to thrive and seek out their goals which can be found on Amazon. 

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