Businesses warned of one of 'biggest challenges' to come with hybrid working

BUSINESS EXPERT Chris Baréz-Brown is a consultant to some of the top brands in the world. In an exclusive interview, he shared just what businesses should be aware of in the face of the aftermath of the pandemic, how to successfully transition to post-COVID working and ‘Upping Your Elvis'.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

He commented: “There’s a massive issue of finding talent, because people are reappraising what’s important to them and unless businesses get that right they are never going to fill that gap.” Alongside his business expertise, Mr Baréz-Brown is also a best-selling author with his latest book ‘Upping Your Elvis’ setting out how people can maximise their own potential and explains his insights on why modern humans are not made for the modern working world.

Mr Baréz-Brown did not start his career in the field that made him so incredibly renowned, brand management actually found him accidentally after a short stint in the army: “I got into the army largely because I had too much energy as a young guy and I was all about outdoors and running around and it also gave me an education.

“Then I did what everyone does, you get a degree then get a job then get married and so on. I went through all of that and I wasn’t happy. I was running the biggest brand in Europe at the time, had a massive budget, I was on a fast-track program and still really young so I should’ve been delighted but it just felt like it’s the same thing every year just a different car.

“That’s really when I got to question who am I, what’s important to me, how do I add value beyond just making money to pay a mortgage. I got into understanding what makes people tick purely to understand myself but in doing so I realised innovating around people is just an amazing learning experience I’ll never get bored,” he added.

Upping Your Elvis contains the epitome of what Mr Baréz-Brown has learnt after years of experimenting in the industry, finding what it is that makes people tick and more importantly how businesses can utilise this to their full advantage.

Chris Baréz-Brown

Mr Baréz-Brown started his career at the consultancy What If! Innovation (Image: Chris Baréz-Brown)

Mr Baréz-Brown believes that humans are not naturally designed for business, best described as “We’re fish out of water and it’s sucking the life out of us.” and he stated that his passion lies in helping people reconnect with their original energies in order to help them live a happier and more productive life.

“We’re designed to be hunter gatherers, we all did that until 12,000 years ago, which is recent in terms of evolution. Business is very modern and the way we work is very modern but it tends to come from this viewpoint that people are there to be optimised.

“We are not the same people at nine am as we are at four pm, we have ebbs and flows in our energies, good days and bad days, we are not the same nor should we be. For a lot of business, the view has been to homogenise people, because we can optimise that and lift it to a higher standard but that is not how we work.”

He added: “I think the world needs a bit of a shake up.” The pandemic has certainly provided this ‘shake up’ and made many people realise they had no real passion for their work anymore. Resulting in a boom in side hustles, entrepreneurial ventures and what has been labelled as ‘the great recession’, from traditional work at least.


“We have an opportunity to question every way we show up, use our talents and find meaning in work which we never had before. The fear is we just go back to the old habits assuming that is the best thing which would be a bit of a tragedy.”

Mr Baréz-Brown added: “The consequence would be that businesses would lose because they won’t get as much out of their people as it needs to but more importantly people will start to disengage with their work and realise that it’s not the way they want to spend a third of their day.”

As businesses are looking at potentially going back into the office, it’s important that they bear in mind not only the health concerns associated, but also the possibility to rewrite the old rules of the office.

“One of the biggest challenges with the hybrid working is when we all went to the office every day, we didn’t have to think about it because that’s what we did. Working from home we still didn’t have to think about it because that’s what everyone did. Now we need to choose, we need to be conscious of when we go to work and for what reason.

Upping Your Elvis book

Chris Baréz-Brown's latest book Upping Your Elvis explains how to cultivate one's talent in business (Image: Chris Baréz-Brown)

“Businesses should set up the next few months as an experiment. Let’s be honest, no one has the answers to and therefore it can only be something you succeed with if everyday you are prying stuff out and learning from it to see what works,” Mr Baréz-Brown explained.

“One part of that is experimenting how people choose to go to the office and why. Unless it’s to go there to collaborate and have energetic connections with people, I would question what is the purpose of the office?

“They have to learn how to be clear on that to optimise those choices. But businesses shouldn’t say they have the answers because they are going to catch a cold.”

It’s also vital that businesses don’t assume what their workforce wants or needs, while some people have thrived being at home with minimal distractions, others have suffered in the same conditions and some have suffered without even realising it.

“In the office you have around 38 informal interactions a week, at the coffee machine, in the corridor. In remote working that drops to around seven and the teams who have done best have invested in that. Instead of just cracking into work they spend some time talking informally outside of sessions, investing in time knowing that they aren’t delivering something for the business, they are delivering something in the way that people show up.

“At least in the office we had a chance to move between meeting rooms, and so many big companies are literally on a screen from the time they wake up until the they go to bed and they think ‘This is great, I can optimise so much’ but then they’re just going nuts as a result because we are not designed to do that.

“We are designed to move, if you’re static you don’t process and it messes up your whole energy process. The problem with lockdown is people just forget to do that to the extent that if the end of the day you go beat yourself at the gym it’s not going to help so just move during the day.”

Mr Baréz-Brown concluded by saying that this is the penultimate time to be an entrepreneur, business owner or employee, as post-pandemic circumstances could mean a complete mindset shift.

“I’ve got so much faith in people and in this planet and therefore every day I get up I think there’s another opportunity and it’s palpable to me. One of the great things about now is that more people are trying to do that because of Covid.

“There’s more alignment of energetic people going ‘Hold on, we’ve got to change it up now’ and of course people can get together because of tech. We’ve got this awakening of consciousness and the ability to do something with it which I believe makes it a very exciting time to be alive.

“If we can harness these two things together, I think there’s a chance it will be okay and mother nature can bounce back but we’ve got to do something significant,” he noted.  

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