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A SLEAFORD couple have taken inspiration from the ‘One red paperclip' website to try trade their way to a car, house or dream wedding with only a tea light.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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One red paperclip was created by Canadian blogger Kyle MacDonald when he ran a trading experiment the couple plan to replicate as he managed to buy a house using just one red paperclip. Jodie Hellyer, 21, and Alex Easton, 23, hope to trade their way from just one tea light to accomplish some of the more pricey milestones of millennnials’ lives.


This type of trading seems like an incredible feat too large to accomplish, but many have succeeded in their bartering to make seemingly illogical upgrades. Over the long-term and if done consistently this trading can see people go from the cheapest item in their home, to an entire house.

Mr MacDonald was one of the first to attempt this type of bartering strategy, keeping his end goal of trading up to a house in mind the entire time. In July 2005 he posted a picture of a red paperclip on his blog and on craigslist.

The paperclip soon turned into a pen, which he traded for a doorknob and continued for 12 more trades until he finally got his house in Saskatchewan.

Jodie Hellyer and Alex Easton

Ms Hellyer and Mr Easton are hoping to get a car, a house or fund their wedding through this trade (Image: LincolnshireLive/BPM)

This fanatical form of trading made Mr MacDonald somewhat of an icon to local thrifters and international money managers alike, so much so that the photo of his red paperclip has become more recognisable than his own face.

The Lincolnshire couple, who got engaged in December 2020 after four years together, hope to emulate the same success as Mr MacDonald. Ms Hellyer explained to Lincolnshire Live: "It can be traded for anything. Right now we want to trade the tea light to something that's worth more than that.

"Then we want to keep building it up. Our end goal is to get a car. It was done by Kyle MacDonald before. He went from a paperclip to a house in Canada. We wanted to do a spin-off from that."


She also continued to say that Alex noted they had been sitting around playing their PlayStation too often - a common predicament for many young people now as lockdown ends but doesn’t quite leave entirely. In light of their situation, and not wanting to feel like they were watching their lives pass them by, the pair decided to do this as a hobby.

Ms Hellyer continued: "We got bored and wanted a project to keep us going. We read about people trying to do it and thought we'd give it a go. Loads of people give things away on Facebook for free, so we could start with them. I've seen people advertise George Foreman grills, so that would be a step up from the tea light.”

Although inspired by Mr MacDonald, the couple are very aware that the situation and trading deals may not be the same for them. Not only has inflation complicated the matter, meaning they will likely have to make more trades than Mr MacDonald, but it has also increased the price gap between items. This will undoubtedly make it harder to barter with people who believe their item is significantly more valuable than the couples’.

Red paperclip

Kyle MacDonald used a single red paperclip, with no other funding, to get a house in 2005 (Image: GETTY)

However, these challenges will not be stopping them anytime soon. And while they are aiming for a car by the end of this road, they have not shied away from the prospects of going as big as their first home or funding their dream wedding.

"It took Kyle MacDonald 14 trades to get from a paperclip to a house, we think it might be a bit harder these days because that was in 2005. We think it might take us around 20 trades depending on how many people share what we're doing and want to do trades with us."

"Just a bog-standard car, whether it's used or whatever. But if that guy got a house, then we might be able to get a new car. Right now, we're saying we want a car, but really it could go further. If we get it a car, we might carry on trading to maybe even get a house."

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The couple aren’t the only people on this journey though. Inspired by the very same paperclip, San Francisco resident Demi Skipper is trying to trade from a bobby pin to a house. Ms Skipper started her trading project in May 2020 and has made multiple trades since her first bobby pin, documenting each trade for her 290,000 Instagram followers and five million TikTok followers.

Her latest update was in August this year, where she found herself stuck with a Chipotle Celebrity Card, which gives the owner unlimited Chipotle for an entire year from the day they receive the card. Her breakthrough came in the form of a sustainable flower company owner, who gave Ms Skipper an off-the-grid trailer in return for the celebrity card.

Ms Skipper’s newest trade is now worth $40,000 (£28,920), and while it’s still a far cry from a house, it’s thousands of pounds more valuable than the single bobby pin she started with.

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