'£0 to £15m in just 9 years' Meet the company outselling Apple in UK after 'eureka' moment

IN JUST nine years, Jolyon Bennett went from almost losing his house to running a multi-million pound company that is now outselling Apple in the UK.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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The £15million market leader Juice is a mobile accessories brand founded by Mr Bennett with only £100,000 by signing a personal guarantee with Lloyds bank. Taking this loan almost saw his house being repossessed, but now, Juice is one of the fastest selling brands at John Lewis, outselling Apple in UK sales of cables, and Mr Bennett shared his top tips for entrepreneurs in an exclusive comment to

With previous experience in mobile phone accessories, Mr Bennett set off to create something new and different to bring to the market.

He then travelled to China to find potential factories and bombarded banks in the UK to find funding, which he eventually did with a £100,000 business overdraft which saw Lloyds bank taking charge of his house.

His business grew in personnel at the same time he welcomed his first daughter into the world, but soon after he realised that the money he had collected would only last two more months in his current trajectory.

Compounding this, his warehouse roof collapsed, almost injuring his warehouse manager, yet despite all the odds seemingly against him, Mr Bennett was resilient and kept trying to move forward.

At the end of October 2012, Mr Bennetts efforts paid off when he received an opportunity to pitch his business to a panel of buyers a month later.

Jolyon Bennett

Jolyon Bennett founded Juice in 2012 after realising it would be the only way he could keep a job (Image: Jolyon Bennett)

The day off the pitch Mr Bennett saw his only sales lady resign and transport problems that forced him to make the journey by foot, and ultimately a pitch that was noted as ‘the worst of the day’.

Despite all of this, John Lewis wanted to move forward with his brand and placed an order for 5,000 units, 2,000 of which sold in the first week.

Nine years in and the business is going strong, outselling Apple in cables, power banks and other accessories with a multimillion-pound turnover.

Mr Bennett shared that fellow entrepreneurs should not give up, and his story is a clear indicator of why it is so important to persevere and keep going.

He also shared his top five pieces of advice that every entrepreneur should keep close to help their business achieve success.



“When you are starting your business, have an idea of what you're going to try and do. Have your model set up so you know that if you are going to do this, then you will be able to make a certain amount of money.

“Don't launch a business and realise that the market is not big enough or that the margin is not going to be strong enough to maintain the infrastructure that you need to deliver the business. Planning is essential,” he added.


Mr Bennett noted: “It's all about getting out there and getting on with it, and not allowing planning stages or process stages to slow you down from getting the job done.

“The best businesses that were ever being ‘planned’ or thought about or talked about, never actually came to fruition because people didn't have the gusto to go and just get on with it.

“It is understandable as it is a huge step of faith, but while planning is so important, it also needs to be balanced by motion and by being willing to crack on and go and do it.”

Jolyon Bennett

Juice now sees a turnover of £15million and outsells other major brands like Apple (Image: Jolyon Bennett)

Be brave and experiment

“Being conservative and worried about consequences may well hold you back from making a success of your business growing.”

He commented: “You need to try things out; do things and allow them not to work."

Failure is a natural part of business, though many entrepreneurs try their hardest to dismiss and avoid it.

“Embrace failure as a part of the process, try new things and accept that they may well fail. In some cases you will learn infinitely from that failure.”

Branding is everything

“In technology and in the modern world, brand is everything. Your brand is what defines you and just because you're not a global organisation doesn’t mean that you don't have a brand.”

He emphasised: “You are the brand.

“It is essential therefore, to understand how you communicate with your consumers. In the current climate, social media is the main platform that people use to communicate, and a business must utilise to drive and grow all areas, from sales to marketing, customer service and e-commerce.

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“Rather than focussing and getting lost and confused on print or other platforms, make sure your focus is on modern media, which is social,” Mr Bennett advised.

Be willing to say no

“Saying no is just as, if not more important, as saying yes.  Some of the best deals that you ever do in business are the deals you don't do – the deals you say no to.

“So be willing to make tough decisions of choosing not to do business that doesn't make sense,” he concluded.

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