Millionaire, 33, made SIX figures in first year of business - starting out with just £2000

SAMI WUNDER was a gold medal economist when she quit her job to start relationship coaching and turned it into a seven-figure business.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Inspired by the lacking impact of her job at United Nations, the mum-of-two drew on her personal romantic struggles to find her passion and start relationship coaching in 2016. In an exclusive comment to , Ms Wunder shared her story beginning with a certification in relationship coaching and only £2,000 in savings to seeing almost a million pound turnover in the first quarter of 2021, and over 100 client engagements.  

Ms Wunder studied a Masters Degree in Public Policy at one of Germany’s top university, receiving scholarships from the US Department of State and becoming a gold medalist in Economics.

Yet all this did not provide her the satisfaction that what she was doing was having an impact in the modern world, and while her accolades found her abundant career opportunities, it could not find her love.

“I remember sitting at my desk, doing my United Nations job, writing these long reports on social protection and wondering if there is more to life? I wanted to make a difference in the world and I had this fire in my belly to make that difference  - now!”

A romantic set back forced Ms Wunder into the bookshelves to study relationships, a move that saw her nab a fiancé within nine months.

Once married, the pair moved to Paris where Ms Wunder found the spark to start her entrepreneurial flame: “I asked myself: ‘What can you give to the world right now, while you’re in Paris?’

Sami Wunder

Sami Wunder started relationship coaching in 2016 (Image: Sami Wunder)

“And then the idea came in. So many of my fellow women colleagues in high profile jobs shared their love life woes, and my intelligent Master cohort friends were all struggling with men and their love lives. This was the field I decided to dive into.

“I had about £8000 in savings in my bank account and I invested about £6000 to study coaching and become a certified relationship coach back in 2015. Since then, I haven't looked back. In 2016 I set up my own company to help professional women find and keep love.”

Ms Wunder took to Facebook and created a group called Wunder Divas, which enabled her to build a strong online community and better understand her clients in a casual and intimate setting.

“When I started my business I was charging around £20 per hour for coaching. After around five months or so I started raising my rates, and by the end of the first year I had hit six-figures in revenue.”

Four years later and the business is still growing from strength to strength, with learning courses and a variety of programmes now on offer alongside her original coaching services.


She accredits her success not because she went into entrepreneurship fearless, but rather because refused to let the fear take away her opportunity to be successful.

“I was serious about helping smart women like myself to stop struggling in love and find a healthy relationship that makes them happy. This purpose drove me and wouldn't let me sleep at night and even today still drives me.

“There is no feeling that compares to the thrill and satisfaction I get when I see my clients walk down the aisle in a white dress at 44 years of age or become a mother at 42 or come back to thank me for saving their marriage.

“Those feelings keep me going through my moments of fear. I remind myself that if I get afraid and back out, the women who are waiting on me to help them meet their soulmate will be so disappointed. That keeps me going too!” she added.

Ms Wunder noted that although she had achieved great success by following her passion, it wasn’t always easy and straight forward.

“In the first year, I had little time for my family or my private life. The company was growing rapidly. I made six figures in my first year of business but I also knew I couldn’t carry on this way, while being a mum to a one-year-old.

Sami Wunder and her husband

Ms Wunders' business now extends to over 55 countries across the globe (Image: Sami Wunder)

“So, the second year of business, I started hiring a team. It wasn't all hunky and dory as I did not have any degree in business administration. I made some bad hires and learnt my lessons on the way.

“Today, we are operating in the multi seven-figure zone, I am about to publish my first book soon and our clients continue to get amazing results in their love lives by working with us. It is like living the dream.”

She added that if she were to have done anything differently, it would be to recognise at the start that she wouldn’t be able to help everyone all time.

“At one point I had 28 private clients and I was working anywhere between nine to 12 hours a day to support them. But here's what I realized - in trying to help everybody, you actually can’t help anybody if you are exhausted and burnt out."

She continued with some noteworthy advice for budding entrepreneurs in her field: “Value your health, value your time and do not be afraid to charge for the transformation you help your clients achieve.

“My biggest challenge when I started was around pricing. With hindsight I should have charged more because there really is no honour in being the cheapest option. So my advice would be don’t be scared to charge the market rate, people will pay good money as long as you deliver what you promise.”

She elaborated that being a successful relationship coach means getting the results that the clients want.

“My content and coaching doesn´t just focus on women loving themselves and having healthy boundaries in their relationships.

“Those are great skills to have for personal development for any individual. However, my focus continues to be on helping our clients use those skills in practical ways to get real results with men - real dates, a healthy, fun courtship phase, engagement, weddings and so on!”

Ms Wunder is excited for the future of her business, looking forward to publishing her book on how high-achieving women can find love in 2022 and hopefully creating a TV show under the ‘edutainment’ category.

“Finally, I would love to keep seeing my clients get results with my process because that is the ultimate foundation of the work I do. So lots more engagements and happy marriages for my clients are always a part of my biz plan for the future,” she concluded.

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