Millionaire, 28, who co-founded company worth £178m on what makes a 'good entrepreneur'

DOMINIC MCGREGOR, 28, founded Social Chain alongside Dragons' Dens' Steve Bartlett in 2014 and is now looking to help other entrepreneurs write their own success stories.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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August 2020 saw both of Social Chain’s co-founders exit the business; Mr Bartlett looking to become the youngest ever Dragon on Dragons’ Den and Mr McGregor heading into the consulting world. In an exclusive interview with Mr McGregor shared his entrepreneurial journey and top tips for others looking to follow in his footsteps.

Social Chain was founded when Mr McGregor was just 21 years-old, as both him and Mr Bartlett dropped out of university to pursue their entrepreneurial spirit.

The digital marketing company is currently valued over £178million and has been named as one of Europe’s fastest -growing digital agencies.

“Good entrepreneurs make good ideas great and bad entrepreneurs just make people lose jobs,” Mr McGregor commented. 

He has noted that the inspiration for Social Chain began with a simple daily occurrence; running out of toilet paper.

This prompted him to create a Twitter page and subsequently the biggest student community on social media: Student Problems.

This was when Mr Bartlett entered the picture as he saw the success of Student Problems and reached out to Mr McGregor, the pair then began working on an online student noticeboard called Wallpark.

Dominic McGregor

Dominic McGregor dropped out of Edinburgh University at the age of 21 to co-found Social Chain (Image: Dominic McGregor)

Through both Wallpark and Student Problems, the duo found themselves with a connection to millions of young people and students across the globe, which sparked the idea for Social Chain.

“In 2014, we secured investment for our idea of building Social Chain, a network of social media communities with millions of followers across platforms, and set about building the team and working with the world’s biggest brands,” Mr McGregor writes on his website.

“We were young, we had a lot of ambitions and freedoms,” he added.

The business grew to encompass 750 employees in the UK, US and Germany and collaborated with the likes of Amazon and Apple.

Mr McGregor noted that the business has provided him with much needed opportunities, resources and stability throughout his life, but still ultimately decided it was time to let go.


He explained that many people view an entrepreneur’s business as the biggest part of them, and to an extent it is: “It’s like your baby, it’s your identity. I think people get caught up in the romance side of it.”

Mr McGregor added that already when going into a business venture one has to keep in mind the prospect of exiting it one day.  

“It’s something I think about two, three years into the business, so it’s always in the back of mind; when am I going to have that realisation moment and it becomes a case of ‘can the business survive without you?’

“It’s good to think about it very early on that way when the day comes it’s easier to wake up and say: ‘thank you very much.’”

He also added some questions entrepreneurs should be asking themselves regularly in their business journey: “Do I think that my life will be better, happier if I just go off and do this? Would I be happier somewhere else?”

Dominic McGregor

Mr McGregor now operates as a consultant and advisor to entrepreneurs (Image: Dominic McGregor)

And that ultimately, any business venture is in the pursuit of one single moment: “The fact that you work so hard on it should push you into that realisation moment, so one day you can look back and say: ‘I did that.’”

Since leaving Social Chain, Mr McGregor aims to help fellow entrepreneurs and young start-ups experience the same successes he and Mr Bartlett saw.

“I really enjoy helping entrepreneurs,” he commented.

Freelancing as an advisor and consultant Mr McGregor is currently working with the likes of Michael Gove as well as Love Island's Montana Brown.

He took the time to share some golden advice for entrepreneurs when it comes to pitching to intimidating investors and ensuring ones online community or digital marketing is up to par.

“Be yourself, when you invest you invest in the founder as an individual and always have good relationships with your investors.

“People don’t like risk, they don’t like jumping into one thing without knowing if it’s going to be secure for them.”

He continued to say that risk is often necessary in business, but the onus is on the entrepreneur to show their investors that the risks are worth taking.

Many argue that the reason for Mr McGregor’s successes is the use powerful digital and social media skills, which he believes everyone involved in business should invest in learning.

“Those skills are fundamental to any small business. And a lot of new businesses have seen success by integrating that properly.”

He concluded by saying that in terms of digital presence and marketing versus online community there must be clear priorities set for a business: “I would say it always starts with community.”

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