PensionBee founder on 'first thing' business owners 'need to solve' to guarantee success

ROMINA SAVOVA, young entrepreneur and pensions specialist, explores product market fit and company values to ensure start-up success.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Ms Savova founded PensionBee in 2014 after discovering a serious gap in the pension market, six years later her entrepreneurial venture is headed onto the London Stock Exchange. In an exclusive interview Ms Savova shared her own entrepreneur story and some golden advice for entrepreneurs looking for their purpose, product market and investors.

Ms Savova grew up in South Africa and continued to study in America, where she became fascinated with political systems and the macroeconomy, shortly after graduating she was employed by Goldman Sachs.

She noted that all throughout this time she never had an inkling of entrepreneurial spirit: “I left Goldman Sachs to go to Harvard business school and that’s probably the first time I got exposed to some entrepreneurial people who wanted to start their own businesses but I wasn’t really in that frame of mind.”

Ms Savova then returned to the investment bank sector in London, enjoying her focus on the macroeconomy as it impacted financial institutions, but soon felt that she didn’t have any purpose or impact in her career which prompted her move to fintech.

“It was there that I realised pensions would be a huge problem for consumers, I tried to move my own pension away from Morgan Stanley when I joined this company and struggled to do it which was surprising because I’d spent most of my professional career until then in financial services.”

Romina Savova

Ms Savova began PensionBee to help people enjoy retirement and bridge the gender pension gap (Image: Romina Savova)

This is what sparked the idea for her own business and, as she explained, provided her with a problem she knew she could solve for others.

“The drive to do something entrepreneurial comes from a personal motivation and personal interest.

“All businesses are about solving problems, in our case problems for consumers, and often times personal experience or personal frustration can generate that spark that ignites your individual motivations with what you can achieve from a business perspective and what problem you can solve for others.”

However, some entrepreneurs are fully aware of their passion, purpose and the problem they want to solve, but have no idea how to connect their product to it.


Ms Savova advised these entrepreneurs: “Product market fit is the first thing you need to solve if you are designing a consumer led solution.

“Of course, the first place to start is to understand the problem but usually you won’t have the perfect solution from the moment that you encounter the problem.

“You need to create a working version, the so-called minimum viable product, and test that robustly: test it on paper, test it on a prototype and test it with real people until the reaction you start getting from real people is ‘Yes, I do like this’ and ideally ‘Yes, I would pay for this’.”

Once the product has been thoroughly tested and it is believed to fully solve the problem it’s aimed towards, only then can entrepreneurs shift their focus towards getting revenue, personnel and investors.

Newspaper with a magnifying glass

While not every business can afford to, it's good to keep in mind that one can turn down investors (Image: GETTY)

“You can go to investors and say ‘This is what we did with the last money that we raised. We hired these people, we hit this milestone, yay us! The next step is for us to hit this next milestone, which is important because it will enable us to hit another milestone and to go between now and then we need this amount of capital.’

“The best investors align with the mission and vision of the company. They have to believe in you as a business and your ability to be profitable but also in what your business is trying to achieve, trying to solve,” she continued.

“When you’re choosing investors, you can’t always afford to be picky. Sometimes you have to take what you can get, but to extent that you can, you should your investors truly believe in what your business can achieve rather than having other motivations.”

In order to ensure these investors have similar values to the business, it’s vital to do thorough research before entering an agreement and Ms Savova noted that maintaining all connections and opportunities provided can serve one well in the long-term.  

“Take the introductions that you’re given because you never know where they are going to lead. Sometimes they may not be the right investor for you when you meet them but they might be the right investor two, three or four years later,” she noted.

Ms Savova also shared the purpose and value-driven mission behind PensionBee: “As a business owner, especially if you’re building from scratch, you have an unique opportunity to do things differently and to build in the way that you want your company to be in the future; to start as you want to continue.

“That means being inclusive as an employer, focusing on product diversity that suits all types of people and it really means as a company you need to live and breath your vision and your mission.

“That’s the way we see ourselves in the pension world. And along the way hopefully we can contribute to some of the social progress that needs to happen to facilitate a happy retirement for everyone,” she concluded.

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