10 highest paying jobs in the UK – how much could you be earning in different professions?

REGARDLESS of how passionate one is about their career and work-life, no one wants to find out they are working for less than they are worth.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

John Holland-Kaye: Travellers must be 'desperate and wealthy'

Glassdoor is a job website that allows employees to submit anonymous reviews of the companies they work for and submit or review salaries for all different types of jobs. They compiled a list of the top 10 highest paying jobs in the UK and what education or qualifications are usually needed to achieve the position.

Enterprise Architect - £71,400

An enterprise architect usually directs a company’s IT infrastructure and operations.

This position requires a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science as well as understanding of enterprise-level IT hardware and database languages like SQL.

Risk Manager - £68,600

A risk manager helps to identify and mitigate the risks an organisation is exposed to, whether it be economic factors, business interruption to credit risks.

This job is very industry specific so a Bachelor’s degree in management of the industry a person wants to specialise in is ideal.

Hands reaching for money

The highest paying job in the UK for 2021 is an enterprise architect (Image: GETTY)

Enterprise account manager - £65,800

An account manager is generally assigned to many external clients of vary sizes, enterprise account managers focus on the largest accounts usually including household brands and international companies.

In this role, a single contract could be worth billions of pounds so having good customer service, time management and interpersonal skills is vital as well as a Bachelor’s degree in account management.

Technical programme manager - £65,800

This specialised form of programme manager generally handles multiple projects in a strategic programme in order to help a business achieve their goals.

Superb industry knowledge is key along with a higher level MSP qualification.


Investment banking associate - £65,000

This a largely varied role that includes business valuations, developing scenarios of what future acquisitions may turn into as well as a fair amount of business analysis.

Many investment banking associates start out as equity analysts and contract analysts in order to get the practical experience needed for the role.

Strategy manager - £64,000

This senior roles looks to capitalise on strengths and growth opportunities and mitigate areas of concern for a business.

Generally requiring an MBA, becoming a strategy manager can also be done through working in intermediate business roles and slowly stepping up into the position.

Man pressing a dollar sign

All of the jobs on the Glassdoors list earned a median salary over £60,000 (Image: GETTY)

Equity research analyst - £62,900

Essentially a financial planner for organisations, this role involves analysing the economy, making educated predictions and bringing forward new investment ideas.

As such interpersonal skills and superb report-writing is critical alongside a Bachelor’s degree in business, economics or finance.

Programme manager - £62,800

Similar to the technical programme manager, but this role is the most senior project manager covering a lot of the same responsibilities but from a less strategic viewpoint.

An MSP qualification is desirable although many companies will accept relevant experience as well.

Creative director - £61,500

Creative directors create strategic plans for a client’s marketing and advertising, but many will be working for multiple clients at any given time so solid time management, project management and marketing skills are necessary to succeed.

Most creative directors have a Bachelor’s or Masters degree in design, marketing or similar subjects.

Portfolio manager - £60,900

In the investing sector portfolio managers oversee investment accounts and maximise returns as much as possible for their clients.

Often in the pension fund or retirement sector, good knowledge of the economy, stock market and risk management are vital.

Most portfolio managers begin as financial analysts and have to be licenced by the relative financial services authorities.

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