Where UK's top investors are putting their money amid stock market volatility

AN INDEPENDENT survey focusing on UK investors with portfolios in excess of £10,000 saw many alternative investments growing in popularity.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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With the current market outlook, bearing in mind the possible exaggerated volatility as economies enter the last phase of recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, alternative investments that don’t rely on these types of metrics are unsurprisingly becoming more popular than their traditional counterparts. The volatility of investments have never been guaranteed but mainstream investment markets have seen such extreme levels of volatility in the last year that many investors aren’t sure where to turn to anymore.

Alongside this, record low interest rates are compounding the problems facing post-pandemic investors and companies alike.

Research from NexGen Cloud has revealed where top market investors are going and what they’re including in their short-term financial plans.

The survey found that 43 percent of UK investors are more likely to consider alternative investments due to low interest rates.

Most of the investors surveyed noted that alternative investments give them the space to back specialised assets that they are well-versed or passionate about.

Compounding this, 20 percent of current portfolios are already aligned towards alternative investments instead of traditional assets.

Plastic house

Real estate is the most popular alternative investment in the UK (Image: GETTY)

With such a large group looking to leave mainstream investment options behind, where are they putting their money?

Real estate is the most common alternative with 17 percent of investors currently holding shares in this sector and an additional 19 percent still considering investing.

Real estate is one of the more realistic investments for investors with smaller portfolios too through the use of real estate crowdfunding.

It’s no surprise that cryptocurrency is also ranking highly among alternatives, with 14 percent of investors already invested.


Cryptocurrency has been known for its potential of massive returns, but it’s important to keep in mind the risk aspect as well.

Investing in areas outside of one's risk appetite, no matter the size of ‘promised’ returns, may result in losing more than one could afford to.

Collectibles have risen in popularity alongside cryptocurrency, as people have spent lockdown finding items in their home that they never knew could be worth something.

Another alternative is that of cloud computing infrastructure or data mining, both of which has seen a steep rise due to the increase of home working.

Chris Starkey, founder and director, NexGen Cloud, said: “Over the past 18 months, the financial markets have been subject to intense volatility, which combined with record low interest rates, is evidently leading investors to diversify into new areas beyond mainstream assets. 

Man with bitcoin balloons

Cryptocurrency and collectibles are equally popular among investors (Image: GETTY)

“Clearly, some investors are seeking ways of making their money work harder in the current climate.

“However, it also interesting to note that investors are also choosing to diversify into asset classes that they feel a greater connection to, which is a positive side of alternative investments that is often overlooked.

“Investors have never had so much choice of how and where to invest their money.

“Our research shows that many are now embracing the possibilities by finding investments within their areas of expertise or industries they are passionate about.”

Some of the more popular alternative investments around the world include:
Fine art
Precious metals
Mineral rights
Hedge funds.

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