‘A multi-dimensional puzzle’ Investment analyst explains ESG investing

MANY investors see ESG investing as the next frontier in the finance sector, empowering community and environmental growth, but is it really all it appears to be?

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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There has been a large movement towards sustainable and responsible business in the past few years, and the rise in popularity of ESG investing is evidence of that. Investment analyst at Charles Stanley Direct, Rob Morgan, spoke to Express.co.uk about the complexities in ESG investing and the nuances that are barricading it.

Mr Morgan spoke of the rise in ESG’s popularity with investors: “This is likely to continue as investors increasingly demand to do environmental and social good as well as secure decent returns.

“Continued growth is also going to be vital in solving many of the world’s most pressing issues from climate change to inequality.”

Additionally, researching potential investments through the lens of ESG is incredibly useful for potential investors regardless if they are aiming for an entirely ESG investment.

“A thorough ESG analysis can highlight key risks and be useful to all investors, even those who don’t have non-financial goals.

Plant growing out of money

ESG stands for environment, society and governance (Image: GETTY)

“Businesses that don’t address key environmental and social concerns or pay attention to governance issues could be unsustainable in the long run and in the short term are more likely to suffer negative publicity or even a customer backlash.”

However, investing is a complicated endeavour, and ESG investing even more so in its nuanced complexities. 

“While ESG principles can be straightforward at a high level, things can quickly get complex the further you dive into them,” Mr Morgan said.

“Lots of issues are subjective and many things are hard to measure precisely.

“For instance, the carbon intensity of a company may be straight forward on one level (its own carbon dioxide emissions) but what about the emissions that are associated with its supply chain and the consequences involved in the use of the product it produces?

“There’s often different ways to measure the same thing, and they don’t always agree,” he added.


“It’s also unfair to compare a company in one industry with another.

“For example, a concrete producer is going to have a higher environmental impact that a financial services intermediary, but there is little alternative to using concrete to build things, and as it has such a big impact, improvements in the way concrete is produced could have a significant effect.

“On-site environmental improvements at a financial services firm won’t move the needle in the same way.”

ESG ratings is the industry's way of trying to level this playing field by allocating ratings to companies by using measurable aspects of the company’s sustainability.

“These tools consider companies according to their industry and assign a variety of ESG scores, weighted by the materiality of their impact, and aggregate them to produce an overall average score.”

ESG infographic

ESG investing requires a lot more research than normal investing (Image: GETTY)

However, as Mr Morgan pointed out, this rating is still not a sure fire way of deciphering a company’s commitment to ESG values:

“There is no single, accepted methodology for calculating an ESG rating and many of the things they are trying to measure are subjective or intangible.

“While carbon emissions and diversity may be reasonably straightforward to measure, it is more difficult to assign a value to employee wellbeing.

“Company reporting on some topics is also still in its infancy and not yet standardised.”

Mr Morgan concluded: Looking at investments through an ESG lens also results in lots of trade-offs, contradictions and even inconvenient truths.

“For instance, purely from a carbon emissions perspective, plastic bags are better than paper ones, but few would argue that increasing plastic use is a good thing.

“Electric cars use lots of metals, notably lithium which is often in mined in poor environmental and social circumstances, so what may be good for overall emissions could result in poor outcomes elsewhere.

“This is why ESG is not black and white, but a multi-dimensional puzzle where the responsible investor must make nuanced judgements about a variety of issues using as much information as possible.

“The vast and growing amounts of ESG data available is welcome, but only really represents a starting point for the informed and pragmatic investor to use.”

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