Investing: 'Incredibly beneficial' essentials to know before making your first investment

THE FINANCE industry is often intimidating for first-time investors and those not familiar with the protocols, but there's a few simple necessity to help ensure success regardless of your financial understanding.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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13 percent of UK shares are owned by individual investors, but many more would be willing to take on the risk, if only they felt more confident about how to do so. Chris Muller, financial expert and journalist, explains his top tips for first-time investors nervous to dip their toe in the water.

Start investing early

Mr Muller began: “The earlier you start saving and investing for your future, the greater effect compound interest will have on your savings.

“Compound interest is when interest is added to an initial deposit. It earns additional interest for as long as it remains invested — resulting in significantly higher returns than if it was not compounded.”

Open a high-yield online savings account

“Opening a high-yield online savings account (or HSA) offers new savers and investors a great way to build up savings.


Investing is undoubtedly intimidating but knowing the essentials is key to success (Image: GETTY)

“Additionally, many online banks currently offer interest rates of one percent or more on HSAs — adding to your overall return by allowing you to accumulate interest-free taxes,” he added.

Start with index funds when beginning investing

“ETFs and index funds will give you flexibility and exposure to various asset classes and sectors of the market without having to worry about varying investment fees or fund management.” 

Keep your investing simple 

“As a beginner, you may feel overwhelmed with all the options available to you; in this case, I recommend keeping things simple by focusing on adding value through index funds and ETFs.


“If you're looking for even more simplified ways of investing from home, try out some robo advisors.

“They will typically invest your money for you by using a set of rules to decide on the best option for you without needing any human interaction,” Mr Muller commented.

Diversify your portfolio

An investing strategy has to be fluid, but it’s important not to get too focused on the top trending investments.

“The truth is: no one knows what the next hot stock or business will be, nor do they know if a particular stock or bond will rise or fall in value - despite its popularity.

Man writing on graph

An emergency fund is necessary regardless of how risky the investment is (Image: GETTY)

“Diversification protects against volatility by providing exposure across various sizes, styles, sectors, and markets.

“This ensures that no matter what happens to a particular market sector, you are not as heavily exposed (or unprotected) to its potential downfall.”

Keep an emergency fund

All investing comes with risk, but an emergency fund will ensure peace of mind for all investments.

Mr Muller added: “This will give you time when you need it most if anything goes wrong and prevent future financial hardship on the horizon.”

Educate yourself with personal finance blogs/magazines

“The internet offers a plethora of articles and blogs to read about personal finance — whether it's investing, saving money, or cutting expenses.

“Though they may seem intimidating at first, reading these can be incredibly beneficial as you gain knowledge on the topic.”

Stay positive with your money 

Mr Muller’s final tip included an open mindset and positive attitude.

“It's important not to get frustrated when things don't go the way you'd like them to.

“If possible, try out different strategies to develop a more well-rounded portfolio that will give you stronger returns over time.”

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