Historian and novelist Simon Sebag Montefiore: My six best books

SIMON SEBAG MONTEFIORE, 50, is a historian and novelist whose books include the award-winning Young Stalin and Jerusalem: The Biography.

historian, novelist, Simon Sebag Montefiore, UploadExpress, Caroline ReesPH

Simon Sebag Montefiore, 50, is a historian and novelist

HISTORY OF MY LIFE by Giacomo Casanova Johns Hopkins, £30 per volume

One of the great comic adventure memoirs. It’s famous for his love affairs but it’s a great work of literature.

Any writer’s ambition must be to write a book that’s still read 300 years after his death, to ensure one knows all the great people of the age and makes love to the most beautiful women. I haven’t achieved any of those. 

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SELECTED SHORT STORIES by Guy de Maupassant Out of print

Short stories are very underrated now but Maupassant was the master. His stories are about the hypocrisy of society but they’re also great celebrations of life, love and travel.

He’s an inspiration because he wrote as both novelist and journalist. He writes in very few words and all of them are perfect. 

BURMESE DAYS by George Orwell Penguin, £9.99

I read this as a teenager and Orwell became one of my great heroes. This is about his time as a policeman in the colonial service.

He was a great thinker and a man who foresaw what totalitarianism really meant. Writers should experience the making of history and he did. 

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MEDITATIONS by Marcus Aurelius Penguin, £7.99

These are the reflections of the most powerful man on earth, the Roman emperor, on how to rule and how not to be destroyed by supreme power.

It’s what I have written about in my books on Stalin, Catherine the Great and the tsars. 

ADVERTISEMENTS FOR MYSELF by Norman Mailer Harvard, £23.95

Mailer lived the writer’s dream and experienced the great moments of his era and these are his greatest essays covering power, personality and sex. The writing is superb.

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BLOOD MERIDIAN by Cormac McCarthy Picador, £8.99

This a towering masterpiece of modern American literature.

It’s about a desolate, terrifying world on the borderland between America and Mexico when the remains of Indian tribes were being hunted down by ruffians damaged by the American Civil War. It is a Western but also a study of total evil which is always interesting. 

Simon Sebag Montefiore's new book The Romanovs: 1613-1918 is published in January and he is currently presenting Blood And Gold: The Making Of Spain on BBC4. Episode two is on Tuesday at 9pm. 

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