UK markets are going to the wall and need support in these areas

Local markets will disappear unless the government takes action and supports them now, says David Preston.

Stroud Market

Markets are important for many local communities in the UK (Image: Getty)

Everyone recognises the importance of markets but we need this recognition turned into action by the Government.

Yes, some markets have received substantial funding to carry out redevelopment but there has been little or nothing to support the infrastructure of markets and secure their future. Is it any wonder that more than half the markets in the UK are currently trading with a deficit and having to be subsidised by the local authority?

National Association of British Market Authorities’ Love Your Local Markets Campaign has been in existence for 12 years and National Market Traders Federation’s Young Trader Markets followed some years later.

Both are undertaken without a penny of government funding and yet these campaigns have given thousands of people the opportunity of trying market trading for the first time and led to the establishment of more than a thousand new businesses.

In recent years, markets are playing an increasing role in being a focus for community services. The Government has to stop issuing platitudes and offer proper support and funding.

The Government has invested multi-millions of pounds in town centres but markets have not got support where it is needed most in attracting new traders and helping markets operate on an equal footing with other retailers.

The time for action is now or many markets will disappear.

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