Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford's finances under microscope after tough split

The fate of Eamonn Holmes' company with Ruth Langsford following the pair's separation has been revealed.

Eamonn Holmes is still in business with Ruth

Eamonn Holmes is still in business with Ruth Langsford despite announcing the pair will split (Image: GETTY)

Despite sadly announcing their love split after 14 years, it's not curtains for Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford's business interests. The pair's co-owned media firm - aptly named Holmes & Away Ltd - posted documents at Companies House this month which appear to confirm they will remain co-directors for at least one more year.

The firm, which was founded in 2009, handed over mammoth Corporation Tax payments of £164,000 over the last two years. That suggests that the pair have raked in approximately £1 million during that period of time.

Although romantic love is no longer on the cards for the pair, they are believed to be retaining joint control of their company. That's in spite of Ruth's own media firm, Hey Ho Ltd, which she runs solo, boasting an impressive worth of £2 million.

Holmes & Away lists Ruth as Operations Director, while Eamonn is in the role of Managing Director. The name of their company is intriguing, as one reason behind their split is said to have been Eamonn's longing for home back in his native Belfast.

The proud Northern Irish broadcaster was considering relocating there and already spends some of his spare time revisiting his roots - but Ruth is said to have preferred being in close proximity to London. Eamonn addressed the friction and "irritation" their different opinions about where to live caused his wife in an interview last year.

Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford prior to split

Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford prior to splitting (Image: GETTY)

He explained to The Sun: "When people ask me what I'm doing at the weekend, I tell them I'm going home.

"My wife gets very irritated by this. She says, 'This is your home' and I say, 'No Ruth, this is where I work. This is where I have to be, but home [is Belfast]."

Another suspected nail in the coffin of their relationship was Eamonn leaving ITV's This Morning back in 2021.

Eamonn harboured bitter feelings about how things had ended with ITV, as he made his move to GB News.

Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford in happier times

Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford previously presented together on ITV (Image: REX)

However, it spelt an end to his hugely popular co-hosting stint with Ruth, with whom he'd interacted the most with through work - and they started to grow apart.

In an interview with TalkTV at the time, Eamonn explained: "Although we live together, we're not really together... Ruth likes her own space [and] when we do This Morning it's a rare time we actually interrelate."

It seems that Eamonn and Ruth have ended their lengthy relationship as amicably as possible, and will still share business interests and friendship, although no longer as husband and wife.

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