Piers Morgan backtracks opinion on ‘serial loser’ Donald Trump after breaking Iowa records

Piers Morgan admitted that he may have written off Donald Trump too soon after the politician won the Iowa caucus by a landslide.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Piers Morgan took to his show shortly after the were released which saw Donald Trump leaps and bounds ahead of his competitors and Vivek Ramaswamy stepping out of the race entirely to endorse the 77-year-old.

Speaking on Piers Morgan Uncensored, the journalist admitted he was last year and backtracked his sentiment, now comparing the politician to Frank Sinatra.

He shared: “A year ago [Trump] was completely written off, ! He helmed the Republicans into a disastrous midterm. He was facing a mountain of legal action. He’s been a serial loser.

“Many think he’s a serial liar and dangerous but he had the biggest win in Iowa caucus history last night, the comeback king is on the march,” he declared.

Speaking about the caucus, Morgan added: “Donald Trump didn’t just win, he obliterated his rivals on every record, number one across nearly every county…and across pretty much every demographic.


Donald Trump

Donald Trump broke records in Iowa (Image: GETTY)

“His two main rivals Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley trailed further behind him than any second and third in Iowa caucus history.”

Morgan described as “presidential” but still jokingly slammed the former TV star as Trump spent much of his speech talking about peacefully uniting the public.

The 58-year-old quipped: “That’s the one word you think about when you hear Donald Trump; inclusive. Bringing everybody together. I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Regardless of Morgan’s doubts, he claimed the 2024 general election hopeful is “potentially on the verge of becoming the political version of Frank Sinatra”.


Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan seemed to backtrack his original predictions about Donald Trump (Image: TALKTV)

He explained that during the 1940s, after the musician’s first peak into stardom, he was written off by Hollywood and told making a comeback would be impossible.

However, the actor returned mightier than ever and went on to become one of the most well-known names in the entertainment industry.

Morgan shared a quote by the world-renowned star, indicating it may be the roadmap for : “The best revenge is massive success.”

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