Disgraced George Santos begs 'don't count me out' in heated clash with Piers Morgan

Former Congressman George Santos appeared on television to beg the American people for a second chance during a sit-down with presenter Piers Morgan.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

George Santos.

George Santos went on UK television to beg for a 'second chance'. (Image: TALK TV)

Disgraced Congressman George Santos has begged for a second chance with the American people on Uncensored after he was booted from the House.

The former Representative was expelled from Congress in a historic vote after he was hit with multiple criminal charges. 

More than 100 Republicans joined to kick out Santos, who was accused of spending campaign money on OnlyFans and Botox.

During a sit-down interview with Talk TV's Pier Morgan, he begged for a second chance. When asked what his message was for the viewers, Santos responded: "Don’t count me out. You know, I've given many people a second chance. And I'm asking everybody to please give me a second chance. And I will, you know, come forward and prove to be worth your second chance.

"And I just want people to look at that and say so many people make mistakes. We all make mistakes if you really take a look deep inside and I am sorry. And I look forward to continuing to be a voice for those who seek leadership in me."

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During the interview, Piers pressed Santos on why he allegedly "told endless lies". He asked: "You've blown that whole thing up? Because it turned out that you just had told endless lies.

"And the question is, everyone wants to know, and you've never really answered, is why, and it's fascinating to me that you just don't have an answer or you don't want to give me an answer."

Santos answered: "I don't have an answer for you. I really don’t."

After a series of awkwardly long pauses, the presenter asked: "You can't explain it?"

To which Santos replied: "No, can't explain it, can't explain it. Sorry Piers."

Asked about how his mother would have reacted to his lying, he said: "Oh, she was, tough lady. She would have physically assaulted me… Because it was unacceptable. Everything, the whole thing was unacceptable.

"The fact I had to open my mouth and say anything that wasn’t true, she would have beaten me to a crisp. She would have pulled out a wooden stick."

Last year when Santos sat down with Morgan the former politician admitted he was a "terrible liar."

Santos' term in office was marred by allegations that he fabricated parts of his biography, a House ethics investigation, and a 23-count federal indictment charging him with crimes including wire fraud and money laundering.

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