Piers Morgan highlights 'truest' thing Harry and Meghan said as he slams ‘snoozefest’ doc

Piers Morgan blasted Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's new documentary but claimed it shared one of the "truest statements" the couple has made.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Piers Morgan clashes with BLM activist over Meghan Markle

, 57, cautioned those planning to watch the new Netflix documentary that they would need both a “sick bucket” and tissues for their tears of laughter. While the remaining episodes are expected to drop only next week, Piers has accused the series of being largely comprised of lies.

The journalist described it as a “predictable, cliche-ridden, simperingly sycophantic snooze-fest”. 

However, he claimed the first few episodes do hold one standout statement. 

He wrote in his column for The Sun: “‘I sacrificed everything I know to join ‘Meghan’s world’,’ (Prince Harry) says at one point, in what may be the truest statement either of them makes in their extended disingenuous whine.”

Piers denoted the couple as “nothing more than royal Kardashians” while also saying the Sussexes had less class, loyalty and brains than the famous American family. 


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Piers Morgans latest column with The Sun focuses on the Sussexes new documentary (Image: TALKTV/NETFLIX)

Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan has been outspoken against the docuseries since its first teaser trailer dropped (Image: GETTY)

Meghan's Netflix claim unravels in unearthed video after Kate dragged into 'hugging' row

Meghan Markle revealed that her first encounter with Prince William and Kate, the Princess of Wales, turned awkward.

Speaking on the Sussexes' hotly-anticipated Netflix documentary series, Meghan said that her tendency to hug others was "jarring" for William and Kate.

However, an unearthed video of Kate launching into a hug with a member of the public has raised doubts over this remark.

The journalist insinuated that the pair are trying to make themselves the “world’s biggest victims”, placing them above those affected by the cost of living crisis and the war in Ukraine. 

The first three episodes of the docuseries were released today, dividing people across the world as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's latest comments come to the forefront of pop culture once again. 

Having seen the series himself soon after it was released, Piers declared it to be somewhat underwhelming when compared to their Oprah interview last year which “dropped mostly untrue ‘truth bombs’ like a machine gun” he claimed. 

However, Piers blasted both their interview and the new series as “a disgusting lie”, and even referred to his own journalistic work from years ago when the couple first met. 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

The couple's docuseries comes just after they received the 2022 Ripple of Hope award (Image: GETTY)

He recalled that unlike the description Harry and Meghan give in their series, their marriage was “greeted with ecstatic joy”. 

Looking through the archives, Piers shared a piece of his own writing from that time where he said of Harry and Meghan’s wedding: “It’s hard to overstate the significance of this ceremony, beamed live around the world, to black people everywhere.”

Contrary to what the docuseries notes, Piers claims the British media, including him, turned against the couple only when “their behaviour grew increasingly hypocritical”.

The journalist also insinuated that Meghan "quickly abandoned" life in the UK after around two years as a working royal.


As the first episodes delve into the start of the couple’s relationship, Prince Harry also recalls moments from his childhood, punctuated with clips of the late Princess Diana. 

Multiple comparisons are made between Diana and Meghan by the Prince, most notably their treatment by the British press. 

Piers took special offense to this use of Diana claiming that, as he had known both women, he commented that he doesn't think they are anything alike. 

On Twitter, the journalist seemingly live-tweeted his opinions as he watched the series, using quotes directly from the couple. 

One tweet read: “Disgusting how they’re repeatedly trying to brand Britain a racist country. Most tolerant place in Europe, as all the coverage of their engagement/wedding showed.”

Another referred to a moment in the show where Meghan revealed she was ordered by the palace to uninvite her niece from her wedding.

Piers remarked: “Markle explaining why she uninvited her distraught niece to her wedding is hilarious. 

“Ms Compassion literally binned off her own family for the likes of George Clooney, Oprah & David Beckham.”

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