Dame Judi Dench yelled expletives at ‘total stranger’ thinking he was pal Alistair McGowan

Award-winning actress Judi Dench thought it would be funny to call her friend a "w****r", only to realise it wasn't him she was yelling at.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Louis Theroux accidentally insults Dame Judi Dench

, 88, has been in the entertainment industry for over half a century, racking up a long list of friends along the way. However, as her eyesight begins to dwindle, the star has found herself in some unusual situations, including mistaking complete strangers for her colleagues.

Dame Judi believed she was driving past her good friend and impressionist Alistair McGowan, 58.

She thought it would be funny to lean out the window and yell “w****r” at him as he went by, Inbetweeners-style.

However, the Dame only realised a moment too late that it was not Alistair at all.

She told Gyles Brandreth at an event in London’s Gielgud Theatre: “I was driving along and saw who I thought was Alistair McGowan and I shouted (w****r) . . . and it was a total stranger.”

Judi Dench

(Image: GETTY)

Alistair McGowan

Dame Judi thought she was making a cheeky dig at her friend Alistair McGowan (Image: GETTY)

This isn’t the first time Dame Judi has been the victim of her own comedic doings.

During one of her theatre shows, the James Bond star thought she had spotted theatre director Howard Davies in the audience.

In line with her naughty sense of humour, Dame Judi wrote on a small piece of paper: “I suppose a shag is out of the question?”

She balled up the note and went on stage, casually dropping the note into the man’s lap only to realise it was once again a complete stranger just enjoying the show.

Howard Davies

In another instance, Dame Judi thought she was tossing a funny note to her friend Howard Davies (Image: GETTY)

Sir Ian and Dame Judi

Sir Ian recalled how he and Dame Judi cheekily sat in the royal thrones at Buckingham Palace (Image: GETTY)

The actress’ eyesight is failing due to macular degeneration, likely leading to these mishaps.

However, she told Louis Theroux she will not be retiring.

As the Mail Online reported, Dame Judi’s eyesight is currently so bad that she cannot read or write.

To learn lines for her acting work, she relies on having someone speak them to her.


As she has a photographic memory this is largely sufficient for her to work, and noted that as long as she’s reassured that there’s nothing to fall over, she will return to set and stage alike.

She said: “I don’t want to retire. I’m not doing much at the moment because I can’t see.

“I’ll teach myself a way, I know I will. So long as I don’t trip over doing it.”

The renowned actress is known by audiences all over the world for her incredible portrayal of iconic characters on stage and screen, but she is far more recognised as a troublemaker amongst her colleagues.

Speaking on the Graham Norton Show in 2018, Dame Judi’s “partner in crime” Sir Ian McKellen recalled their sneaky adventure around Buckingham Palace.

The distinguished actors had been invited for a banquet and following dinner the pair chose to explore the palace a bit.

They walked into an empty room and “had a little twirl” before realising it was the very same room they had received their knight and damehood in.

However, the room was missing the two iconic thrones, and so, as Sir Ian recalled: “We went on ‘dancing’ around the room, round the corner and found ourselves behind the band. There, behind this sort of partition are the thrones!

“So we sat on them!”

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