'I'm a flight attendant – doing three things on a plane can risk your safety'

A flight attendant has revealed there are three things you should never do on a plane. They could have a big impact on your safety.

By Katie-Ann Gupwell, Senior Social News Reporter

Aeroflot's training center in Moscow

Cabin crew members have vital roles (stock image) (Image: Getty)

A flight attendant said there are three things people should never do on planes if they want to stay safe.

TUI employee "Mrs Miva" took to TikTok to share a video where she's seen highlighting the things passengers should never do when they board a plane. She said if people are still doing these things, then it's time they should stop.

It may surprise people, but she explained people should never wear shorts or a skirt when they fly. This is because "you never know how clean it is where you're going to sit", and it can also get very cold too.

Even though it seems quite a disgusting reason, it makes sense when you think about it. Nobody wants to start their holiday picking up germs.

As for her next piece of advice, it's pretty simple. Even though you may think it's sensible not to do it, it still happens quite a lot.

She warned people should never consume too much alcohol, as passengers considered "too drunk" can be ejected for safety reasons. So it's best not to over-do it when it comes to those pre-holiday tipples.

Her final piece of advice is to make sure you drink plenty of water. In the video, she explained: "The dry air and low humidity on the plane can lead to increased fluid loss and dehydration."

This is why it's best to make sure you consume plenty of water before you fly, and maybe have some while you're travelling too. It's always important to make sure you stay hydrated.

Since she shared the advice, it's gone down well, as many people learnt something new. Everyone hopes for a safe and peaceful journey when they're travelling abroad, and following these simple tips should make sure it goes all the more smoothly.

One person said: "Got dehydrated on the way to Rome. Attendant said it's common on an a330." While a second wrote: "I wore shorts once and I got so cold."

A third replied: "Yes, it's so cold for me in the airplane." Meanwhile, a fourth also commented: "That'll actually help because I want to be an air hostess."

Some people said they'd never stop wearing shorts though, as they simply get too warm while travelling. Others pointed out they don't think people should be allowed to drink alcohol at airports if it can be problematic.

Never the less, it's good to know the advice for all up-and-coming travels this summer. Maybe people will think twice about what they drink and wear before boarding a plane!

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