Coronation Street spoiler: Erica Holroyd deals cannabis to Izzy Armstrong

CORONATION STREET'S Izzy Armstrong has had a tough time of late, but things are set to get a whole lot worse for the factory worker when she turns to cannabis as a pain relief. 

Erica Holroyd deals drugs to Izzy ArmstrongITV

Erica Holroyd deals drugs to Izzy Armstrong

In scenes set to air next week, Izzy (Cherylee Houston) will consider taking the class B drug when her medication for her dislocated hip fails to ease the excruciating pain she's in.

Earlier in the week, Izzy was left in serious pain when Marta - the homeless slave - knocked her over as she fled from the factory.

When Erica (Claire King) spots Izzy struggling to carry a roll of fabric, Nick Tilsley's former fling notices how much discomfort she's in.

Erica approaches an initially dubious Izzy and offers to get her some cannabis to soothe the pain. 

Izzy opens up to Erica in Roy's cafeITV

Izzy opens up to Erica in Roy's cafe

Erica offers to get Izzy cannabisITV

Erica offers to get Izzy cannabis

Izzy is reluctant at first, but eventually agrees for Erica to get the weed.

In the tense scene, the pair meet in the Rovers backyard to exchange the cash and the cannabis.

But while the pair complete the dodgy deal, it's not yet known if any other Weatherfield resident spots the illegal encounter.

A show insider previously confirmed the storyline will explore all areas of using cannabis as a pain relief.

Speaking to The Mirror, the source said: "This is a hot topic of conversation across the country because for a lot of people with long-term health problems smoking cannabis is a form of pain relief.

Cherylee Houston plays Izzy ArmstrongITV

Cherylee Houston plays Izzy Armstrong

"But seeing as it's still illegal in this country there are implications for using the drug, something Corrie will also highlight in this storyline."

They added: "The show has researched this issue extensively and, whilst Izzy will take cannabis to try and alleviate her pain, the programme will look at all aspects of this debate and examine the legal implications and the far reaching consequences of her actions for her family."

Coronation Street continues tonight on ITV at 7:30pm. 

Coronation Street - Behind The Scenes

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