The sky's the limit for Sir David Attenborough's new nature series

FEW people would be willing to dangle 250 feet in the air on just a few ropes.

David Attenborough standing in a fieldSKY

Sir David Attenborough's latest project, Conquest of the Skies, studies the evolution of flight

Even fewer would do it in order to allow a massive swarm of bats to fly around their head deep in a Borneo cave. 

But then again, not many people are Sir David Attenborough. Astonishingly, at the age of 88 the esteemed naturalist still throws himself into the most daring of escapades in order to get the best shots of animals in their natural habitats. 

When we meet to discuss his latest project, Conquest Of The Skies, a three-part series looking at the evolution of flight to be shown on Sky 1 and Sky 3D on New Year’s Day, it’s clear the octogenarian still has the get-up-and-go of a person a third of his age.

Eager to be in the thick of the animal kingdom, David is still clearly gripped by the fascination with wildlife he developed as a boy growing up in Leicester. 

David is vibrant and kind, patiently explaining to me aspects of animal behaviour that he may secretly think a child should know. His dry sense of humour is evident, too, when he describes the experience of dangling in that bat cave in Gomantong in Borneo, strapped into a chair and accompanied only by a camera drone called an octocopter. 

“I’m sitting up there for about half an hour before the bats are due to fly and of course after a few minutes [the crew] forget you,” he jokes. “You’ve got a lot of time to think ‘That rope’s very thin’ and ‘What are they doing down there? Playing cards? What about me?’ It was challenging. 

“It did occur to me that maybe a bat would hit the octocopter and if they did, would it fall and which way would it fall? Would it be coming my way?”

But he clearly wasn’t that worried, for it seems David relishes every chance to share his passion for wildlife with the viewers. Conquest Of The Skies has captured spectacular footage of winged animals that reveals the hidden mechanics behind their gravity-defying skills.

Barn owl staringGETTY

David admitted they had some trouble when filming a tamed barn owl after it unexpectedly flew off

The barn owl behaved beautifully when we were filming, and then it got fed up and flew off. I thought, 'the trainer's going to be livid - we've lost her owl'

Sir David Attenborough

“It’s the most ambitious of the seven films we’ve made,” says David of the award-winning Sky 3D series.

“We started when the technology was pretty clumsy – the camera needed four people to carry it and it took three quarters of an hour to change the lens and so on.

"Finally, we are now doing a series which requires every technique, every lesson we’ve learned.” 

Over three episodes David and his team cover the history and mechanics of flight. Using the latest hi-tech filming methods they will show a menagerie of insects, birds and mammals flying in spectacular slow motion so viewers can see precisely how their wings work. 

Another ambitious real-life segment sees David speeding across Loch Lomond with whooper swans flying right next to his head, their flapping wings coming within inches of his face.

How they did that, says David, was to use near-tame swans whose human owners, Lloyd and Rose Buck, had “imprinted” themselves on the swans – been with them every day since birth in order to form a close bond. 

“We’re sitting in this boat at 40mph and Rose is in the bottom going ‘Come on! Come on!’ except when the director said, ‘Just a minute. David wants to say something,’” says David dryly. He pays tribute to the Bucks.

Birds flying in sunsetGETTY

David said this is the most ambitious of the seven films he has made

“They’re remarkable people because when they do imprint they form a bond they can’t break and it means those swans are with them for life.”

Nevertheless, even semi-tame birds aren’t always camera-ready, says David, for example when they filmed a barn owl hunting a field mouse in the middle of the night.

“It behaved beautifully when we filmed and kept on filming, and then suddenly it got fed up and flew off,” recalls David. “I thought, ‘The trainer’s going to be livid with us – we’ve lost her owl!’”

The trainer couldn’t find the owl anywhere that night, so David was relieved to hear the next morning that it had returned to its barn. 

Other exciting scenes include seeing how starlings in Rome fly in organised swarms to avoid the clutches of hungry peregrine falcons, how common flies fly like fighter planes to avoid fly swatters, and seeing how hummingbirds fly sideways – a fact David himself had been unaware of before. 

David’s favourite sequence captured on film is of a dragonfly in flight. “I’m hooked on dragonflies,” he says.

“They are 300 million years old – the earliest fossils of anything that flies – and to watch the way they beat their wings independently is breathtaking. That was as beautiful a sequence as I could have wished for.” 

Filming for Conquest required David to travel to Ecuador and China as well as Borneo for this series. It seems his bags are always packed – in November he filmed at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and in January he heads to Argentina to film dinosaur fossils for the documentary Walking Giants.

There’s clearly no sign that this indefatigable national treasure wants to spend his twilight years watching telly – on the contrary, he wants to be making it. 

“It’s fun,” he says of his desire to continue making wildlife documentaries. “If I didn’t enjoy it I wouldn’t do it. I feel lucky that 

I’m still asked to do these things. It’s just good fortune.” 

Your Favourite Sir David Attenborough Moments- BBC Earth

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