Ed Balls leaves GMB viewers saying same thing after tense Grant Shapps clash

On Wedneday morning, Good Morning Britain presenters Ed Balls and Susanna Reid spoke to Grant Shapps.

By Tianna Corbin, TV reporter

GMB: Ed Balls aims savage dig at Piers Morgan upon ITV return

Good Morning Britain viewers were less than impressed with ITV's Ed Balls on Wednesday morning. It comes after the host was speaking to the Defence Secretary, Grant Shapps, with his co-star Susanna Reid.

The duo were quick to discuss the Conservative Party's pledge, which is to get 18-year-olds to do mandatory national service. However, as the pair appeared to clash, people watching were quick to share their thoughts.

@TonyTuamigo4839 tweeted: “Ed Balls demonstrating his poor interviewing skills. Susanna is just as useless. Pointless questions. Love it if they boycott gmb. #GMB” @EJKay7 added: “Why doesn’t Ed Balls let guests on the show particularly government ministers finish speaking - he is very rude interrupting all of the time. We want to hear what the ministers say not him!”

@Marjori37998394 commented: “Not rubbish if you watch this program regularly you would know how they try to humiliate Tories when questioning them and to have Ed Balls as a presenter ..well need I say any more.”

@Stevens66439754 said: “How bad is Ed Balls as a presenter Not a bloody clue just like when he was in politics.” @bluebell2009 begged: “Please enough of Ed Balls!!!”

Ed Balls on Good Morning Britain

Viewers were quick to call the GMB host out (Image: ITV)

With @Bufferb2012 reeling: “Ed balls is as dull as used dishwater. Leave the interviewing to Susanna.”

As Balls touched on the proposed mandatory national service, he asked the MP if there is enough resources for 30,000 18-year-olds coming into the Armed Forces each year.

He questioned: “Do you have enough accommodation to house 30,000 recruits? What would it do to the whole training regime?”

The GMB star highlighted the pledge sounds expensive and disruptive as Shapps defended it.

Grant Shapps

Grant Shapps and Ed Balls clashed on the ITV show (Image: ITV)

As the MP reeled off the three objectives he had when becoming Defence Secretary, he added: “The very concept of being able to introduce 30,000 people, for experience they’re not going to be you know- this is a 25-day in a year thing.”

However, the ITV star was having none of it as he quickly cut Shapps off, scolding him for not answering the question.

As the MP told Balls to let him get to the end of the question, the GMB host hit back: “I feel as though you’re talking about other things and not talking about the thing I’m asking you.”

Shapps swiped: “I will never get to the end of the question unless you let me answer it.”

Getting fed up, Balls replied: “Go on then!”


GMB viewers were quick to share their thougths on the interview (Image: ITV)

Finishing his point, the MP told the host it is a commitment to build the accommodation, find the space and ensure that they’re able to do it.

He added: “It’s not as you present it where it’s 30,000 people for over an entire year, it’s 25 days a year for those 30,000.

“I think those places will be massively sought after and if we don't think that we can ever expand our footprint, in other words, attract more people into the Armed Services then that would really be a problem.”

Good Morning Britain continues weekdays on ITV from 6am.

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