EU official blasts Italian voters for choosing populist parties in MAJOR economic warning

ITALY’S parties are coming together to protest against an EU official, who warned the markets will teach Italians "to vote for the right thing" in the next elections, sparking accusations Brussels meddled in the political events of the weekend.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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Party leaders across the whole political spectrum have responded after a journalist tweeted a quote from an interview with European budget commissioner Guenther Oettinger.

According to DW journalist Bernd Thomas Riegert, who intervewied Otteinger yesterday, the EU official hit out at Italian voters for favouring populist parties.

Taking to Twitter, he wrote: “‘The markets will teach the Italians to vote for the right thing’ told me EU commissioner Oettinger in an exclusive interview in Strasbourg."

The comment sparked immediate fury and reaction among Italian politicians.

Lega leader Matteo Salvini took to social media to attack the European Union for the remark.

His words are of an unprecedented seriousness and prove the clear manipulations Italian democracy was subjected to in the last few days

Five Star Movement MEP Laura Agea

He wrote: “MADNESS, they have no shame in Brussels.

“The European budget commissioner, the German Oettinger, has declared that the ‘markets will teach Italians to vote for the right thing.’

“Tell me if this isn’t a threat…

“I am not afraid, #FirstTheItalians!”

And Laura Agea, MEP elected with Lega’s coalition partner Five Star Movement said: “We ask the President of the European Commission Juncker to immediately retract what Oettinger said. 

italy election crisis five star lega M5S euro eurozone EU oettinger juncker attack

Lega leader Matteo Salvini blasted an EU official on Facebook (Image: GETTY)

“His words are of an unprecedented seriousness and prove the clear manipulations Italian democracy was subjected to in the last few days.”

The leader of centre-left wing Democratic Party Maurizio Martina also weighed in, demanding more respect towards Italy and the Italian people.

He wrote on Twitter: “No one can tell Italians how to vote.

“Less than anyone the markets. 

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“There is a need of more respects for Italy.” 

Following the outburst, the journalist deleted the tweet and published a slightly different quote from the EU official with the link to the full interview.

Mr Riegert tweeted: “‘The markets and a “darkened” outlook will teach Italy’s voters not to vote for populist parties in the next elections’, EU commissioner Oettinger told me in my exclusive interview for DWnews in Strasbourg.

“I can only hope that this will play a role in the election campaign.’” 

italy election crisis five star lega M5S euro eurozone EU oettinger juncker attack

European budget commissioner Guenther Oettinger (Image: GETTY)

Despite the quote taking a softer view on voters, Italian newspaper Repubblica still blasted the comment - going with the headline - a “judgement on the electorate”.

EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker sought to distance himself from the remark made by his official, branding it “inconsiderate”.

A spokesman said: “The comment was inconsiderate.

“This is the official position of the EU Commission: It is up to Italians and only them to decide the future of their country and no one else.”  

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