Juncker IGNORES Brexit and Italy crisis and insists: 'World needs to see a STRONG EUROPE'

EUROPEAN Union leader Jean-Claude Juncker has demanded a strong bloc in a speech heavily focused on solidarity which also saw him hit out at rogue states.

By Rob VirtueAlice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Jean-Claude Juncker: Solidarity is built day by day

In a thinly-veiled attack on US president Donald Trump and his protectionist policies, Mr Juncker urged for a united Europe to tackle trade issues.

The EU chief said: "The Lisbon pact allows us to take decision with unanimity but also with a majority.

"It will be important to redefine the decision-making mechanism to matter on the global exchequer.

"We will need more Union.

"The world needs to see a strong Europe and we will do our best so that this strong Europe will be seen.

"We'll try to extend our trade agreement with other parts of the world."

The EU chief refused to comment on Brexit and did not remark on growing Euroscepticism in Italy, from where he was giving his speech.

Instead, he dismissed concerns from states such as Hungary, whose leader Viktor Orban yesterday raged at EU's handing of the migrant crisis.

Mr Juncker said: "I know very well that solidarity is created day after day, NATO was renewed last year.

Juncker was speaking at the State of Union conferenceEBS

Juncker was speaking at the State of Union conference

"When there are crisis as it happened in the last year in relations to the multiple crisis that hit Europe, solidarity little by little gets lost.

"We saw it with immigration, the immigration crisis is not yet behind us, we saw cracks in the solidarity during the migration crisis.

"We recognised and acknowledged the dignity of Italian and Greeks asking for more solidarity.

"These countries can't be left by themselves.

“I don't want to criticise state members - although they are often ready to criticise the European Commission.

“A more spontaneous reaction was needed during the immigration crisis.

“We need more solidarity for the migration policy.

“We need to reform the Dublin regulation which clearly doesn't work.

“The council and commission must hurry up to review Dublin procedures.”

And speaking of the EU budget, Mr Juncker joked he would be blamed if his proposals were not a success.

He said: "A budget is a document that has to mirror great ambition and also European solidarity.

"The next financial period will allow us to present a great solidarity.

"We have already committed to consider solidarity with the presentation with this financial plan."

"If this plan fails it will still be called Juncker Plan, if it succeeds it will be called with its real name.”

Jean-Claude Juncker took aim at rogue states in the speechEBS

Jean-Claude Juncker took aim at rogue states in the speech

Mr Juncker was speaking in Florence at the State of the Union conference.

The EU chief followed European Parliament president Antonio Tajani who warned his own nation Italy, which is about to appoint a populist government against leaving the bloc.

He said: “Believing in Europe is believing in history. Believing in Italy as a protagonist of Europe doesn’t mean giving up pour national identity or being patriots.

“Going out of Europe doesn’t make sense as does going out of the European Monetary Union ad the majority of Italians are really caring for the destiny of Europe.”

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