‘Leaving Europe doesn’t make sense!’ EU president Tajani in desperate plea to Italy

EUROPEAN chief Antonio Tajani hit out at populist forces trying to empower national states claiming that their attempts to have more states following the UK’s example and leaving the bloc don’t “make sense”.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Antonio Tajani: Going out of Europe doesn't make sense

In a thinly-veiled reference to Brexit, the President of the European Parliament said that patriotism isn’t undermined by being part of the EU.

Speaking on the second day of the State of the European Union Conference, he said: “My father taught me to wave the Italian flag proudly even when we were living in France.

“Being European doesn’t mean not being patriots.”

Clearly referring to the eurosceptic forces currently holding coalition talks in a desperate attempt to give Italy a new Government two months after the elections, he added: "Italy is an integrating part of the EU that must represent our future and represents our identity"

“Leaving the EU doesn’t make sense.

“Leaving the European monetary union wouldn't make sense."

Despite being at the European University Institute in Florence, as President of the EU Parliament, Mr Tajani didn’t fail to highlight problems particularly related to Italy. 

Speaking about the lack of solidarity received by Italians during the migrant crisis, that saw thousands reaching Italy’s coasts, he called for state members to review the Dublin Regulation that regulates the shares of migrants each EU country should receive.

He added: “Solidarity must be key and I’m saying this as a member of a country that took on refugees and integration.

"We would have to work more and more together in terms of Dublin reform and we can not accept if a country is from the south it must take on its shoulders the problem of refugees.

“I know there are problems. The only solution is to protect countries who have taken on the biggest burden.

“We will have to invest more to block migration flow from the Libyan direction.

"We should invest more in Africa or we will have millions of people moving from south to the north of the world.”

Check below for the live report of the speech. 

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Antonio Tajani is set to speak at the State of the European Union Conference

9.08am: Tajani's speech ends

Mr Tajani leaves the floor to the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker 

9.05am: Tajani hopes for a "positive future for the EU"

Mr Tajani said: "We should educate young people who will attend political schools to believe in values and foundation of our European society, to believe in our European identity, which doesn't mean closing but opening to Europe. 

9.00am: There will be a "bitter" discussion on the future of Europe, says Tajani 

Mr Tajani said he has called for a face to face exchange between the Commission, Parliament and the state members to build a different EU, based more on politics and democracy rather than decisions descending on EU citizens from upon. 

8.56am: Tajani ATTACKS ECB

Mr Tajani hit out at the major role the European Central Bank took upon itself in the last years. 

Politics, he said, should take upon itself responsibility to rule the bloc, not bureucracy or other bodies. 

He added: "The legislators and not the bank should write the regulations, the banks should only monitor the application of the rules."

Tajani: EU can't be liable for all the problems in member states

8.53am: "We should be on the same side!" 

Mr Tajani spoke about the US and the current problems concerning the tariffs that the US could impose on the bloc on aluminium and steel. 

He highlighted the problems the tariffs would bring to the EU and the division it would create between the two continents. 

He said: "America first doesn't mean America alone"

“Some commercial choices they have made left us puzzled.

"We are part of the western world, friends of the USA, we have the same problems, such as China.

"The over-capacity of producing steel is a problem for USA but also us. We must be on the same side.”

8.50am: "We need to work a lot on the Balkans"

The EU wants to integrate Western Balkan states but, Mr Tajani said, it is mandatory to secure their borders before. 

Antonio Tajani State of the European Union speechEU

Mr Tajani hit out at ECB

8.45am: Italy needs the help of the EU

Mr Tajani addressed the problems that immigration is bringing to the EU, and particularly to Italy, which is suffering the most the flux of immigrants reaching its costs. 

Speaking "not as the Parliament President but a member of a southern state of the EU", he urged the EU to help Italy to address immigration and asked other members to change the Dublin Regulation and welcome a share of the immigrants arriving to Italy. 

He said: “Solidarity must be key and I’m saying this as a member of a country that took on refugees and integration.

"We would have to work more and more together in terms of Dublin reform and we can not accept if a country is from the south it must take on its shoulders the problem of refugees.

“I know there are problems. The only solution is to protect countries who have taken on the biggest burden.
“We will have to invest more to block migration flow from the Libyan direction.
"We should invest more in Africa or we will have millions of people moving from south to the north of the world.”

8.40am: "The EU can keep citizens safe"

Mr Tajani highlighted that citizens in the EU are asking to feel more safe. 

He said: "Young people don't know wars thanks to the EU. 

"We can't keep them safe by ourselves, Italy can't keep citizens safe, Germany can't, only the EU together can."

antonio tajaniGETTY

Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament

8.38am: "We need a more political Europe" 

Mr Tajani said: “We’re not perfect. There’s a lot to change but changing means improving, going forward, not going backward and the first thing to do is have a more political Europe.”

8.35am: "Leaving the EU doesn't make sense"

Mr Tajani hit out at nationalism, saying that being part of the EU doesn't mean not being patriots. 

Being "good Italians mean also being good European citizens" he said. 

He added: "Leaving the EU doesn't make sense. 

"Leaving the European monetary union woudn't make sense."

"Italy is an integrating part of the EU that must represent our future and represents our identity"

8.30am: Antonio Tajani speaks

The President of the European Parliament started delivering his speech.

8.23am: The EU is "tired" 

Leonardo Bassilichi, President of the Chamber of Commerce in Florence, said that the rise of nationalism and the threat to free trade posed by a potential hard Brexit are damaging the bloc and are deeply changing its nature.

He said: "Europe these days seems like a tired 60-year-old while it should be in its 20s, it should be thriving." 

8.10am: Florence welcomes European leaders 

Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence, welcomed the European leaders gathered at Salone dei Cinquecento in Florence and held a brief speech on the importance of unity in the EU. 

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