Italy on the brink: THIS is how Rome lost power in EU as election deadlock drags

ITALY has lost its power and influence in the European Union and will be frozen out of major decisions as Rome's political deadlock drags on after Italian President Sergio Mattarella demanded an end to the standoff.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

'It's not yet a crisis': Juncker discusses situation in Italy

Italy went to the polls in March and is still locked in a political standoff following the second round of consultations led by Mr Mattarella.

The president has warned parties they must choose a prime minister before June to face “the important and imminent deadline in Europe” as the EU meets for a major summit.

The EU will hold a two-day summit on 28-29 June to discuss, among other topics, immigration and budget, problems that interest Italy directly.

But Lorenzo Codogno, former general director at the Treasury Department of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, fears Mr Mattarella's urgency could be useless as Italy may already be too late to be able to have its voice heard during the summit. 

Mr Codogno told “Italy got the timing wrong.

“If the election had taken place in autumn last year, Italy would have had a say in the decisions to be taken in Europe.

“But ministers won’t reach resolutions during the summits, they will arrive in June with agreements already discussed beforehand.

“As everything is being decided during these months, Italy should have had a government in place already at the beginning of this year. 

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Italy is still locked in a political deadlock following the election which took place on March 4

“I doubt that newly elected ministers arriving at the June summit will have the possibility to make their voices heard.”

Mr Codogno did not rule out the possibility pf the old government led by Democratic Party Paolo Gentiloni attending the summit.

He said: “At this point I see it as more than a possibility, as the situation is stalling.

"There is a power match going on between Di Maio and Salvini, and Berlusconi's position in the new government to be decided too.”

After meeting the leaders of the elected parties and leading political figures, Mr Mattarella said today: “I will consider how to end this deadlock, as consultations made clear no progress has been made.

“I made clear how important it is to have a fully formed government. 

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The EU will hold a two-day summit on 28-29 June

“Italians’ needs, the contrasts within the international trade, the EU summit, the rising of tensions in areas not far from Italy demand to put an end to the confrontation between parties.”

But yesterday relations between the main parties worsened even more.

Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi attacked the Five Star Movement during a press conference, asking people to “distinguish between the real democrats and those who don’t even know the basics of democracy.”

Luigi Di Maio, the leader of the movement which became the biggest single party in the new parliament elected on March 4, have been trying to break the centre-right wing coalition to form a government alliance with Lega leader Matteo Salvini, who gained 18 percent of the votes.

But the anti-EU politician have so far vowed loyalty to Mr Berlusconi. 

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