Austria election latest: Eurosceptic FPO on track for share of power, show latest polls

AUSTRIA’S election this weekend could result in the Eurosceptic Freedom Party (FPÖ) holding the balance of power, according to latest polls.

Sebastian Kurz and Hans-Christian StracheGETTY

Austrian election latest: Sebastian Kurz (L) and Hans-Christian Strache (R) are leading in polls

The right-wing populist FPÖ has been in opposition since 2000 but are predicted to win 27 per cent of the national vote on Sunday, potentially making them the junior party in a coalition Government. 

This comes after the nationalist, anti-eurozone Alternative for Germany (AfD) defied expectations and won 94 seats in the country’s general election last month.

The outcome of Sunday’s ballot in Austria will have wider implications for the fate of the troubled European Union, which its key leaders have promised to reform.

French President Emmanuel Macron recently revealed his ambitious long-term vision for the bloc which would centre on greater integration between member states.

Eurozone flagsGETTY

The outcome of the Austrian election will have implications for the European Union

His future blueprint, announced in a major speech last month, includes a eurozone-wide budget, as well as greater cooperation on defence and immigration. 

But his grand plans require the support of key EU leaders, and the rise of the AfD in Germany has left Chancellor Angela Merkel with less room to manoeuvre when it comes to any radical reforms.

And the same could happen in Austria’s election if the eurosceptic FPÖ enter government. 

The party, led by Hans-Christian Strache, has campaigned against further European integration and has praised Britain’s decision to leave the union, arguing the UK will be “better off” after Brexit. 

Polling conducted by Research Affairs up to October 9 put the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) as frontrunners with 33 per cent of the national vote. 

The party has stormed ahead in the polls thanks to its new 31-year-old leader Sebastian Kurz, who managed to successfully re-brand the ÖVP. 

Like the French President, Mr Kurz is also in favour of EU reform and has hard-line views on illegal immigration. 

Sunday’s snap election was called after a shaky coalition between the ÖVP and The Social Democrat party (SPÖ) - which has slumped to just 23 per cent in recent polls - broke down in May.

The Research Affairs survey, gathered from last Monday to Wednesday, had a relatively small sample size of 600 people, with a wide margin of error.

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