European Union court set to rule whether Islamic headscarfs should be banned in workplace

THE European Court of Justice (ECJ) is set to rule whether an employer can ban staff from wearing the Islamic headscarf at work.

Woman in burkaGetty

The European Court of Justice will determine on Tuesday whether an employer can prohibit the burqa

The ECJ will rule on the cases of two female employees in Belgium and in France, who were dismissed for refusing to remove their headscarves, a day before a Dutch parliamentary election dominated by the issue of immigration and integration.

European leaders will be watching the verdict on Tuesday closely, as the Islamic headscarf is a contentious issue in several European countries.

In France, the issue has taken centre stage, as the country attaches importance to the separation of state and religious institutions.

Opposition to Islam and banning the veil is one reason the anti-immigration Front National party is expected to perform strongly in an election this spring.

The court's ruling will consider the case of a Belgian woman working as a receptionist for G4S Secure Solutions, which has a general ban on wearing visible religious or political symbols.

The court's advocate general last year recommended that companies should be allowed to prohibit headscarves as long as a general ban on other symbols was in place but that they should consider the conspicuousness of such symbols and the nature of the employee's activities.

Muslim women in veilGetty

Throughout Europe, many countries are opting to ban the veil

The court's ruling will also cover a French IT consultant who was told to remove her headscarf after a client complained.

Throughout Europe, many countries are opting to ban the veil in public places.

France, the Netherlands and Belgium are among three European countries which have bans on the Islamic niqab or burka.

France was the first country in Europe to ban Islamic face veils in public.

guide to Islamic dressGetty

There are several types of Islamic dress including the burka, niqab and hijab

Belgium was the second European country after France to introduce a ban on full face veils, which outlawed the burka and niqab in public areas.

Women who cover their faces in public places can be fined and sentenced to up to seven days in jail.

Bulgaria's parliament banned the burka in September 2016 in a bid to boost security in the wake of Islamist militant attacks in Europe.

Meanwhile, a majority of the electorate in the Swiss region of Ticino voted in favour of a ban on face veils in public areas in 2013. 

The ban came into force in 2016. 

Muslim women who wear the veil in shops, restaurants or public buildings can be fined up to €9,200 (£7,890).

Last December, German chancellor Angela Merkel waded into the debate when she called for a burka ban wherever legally possible for the "good of Germany". 

The German region of Bavaria approved a draft law to prevent women from wearing burkas in public.

Meanwhile, officials in the northwestern region of Liguria have announced plans to ban women from wearing the Islamic niqab in hospitals and public offices.

And, the Egyptian government has also drafted a bill to ban the niqab and burka in public places and government institutions. 

The legislation comes after Egypt's Cairo University banned academic staff from wearing the niqab in classrooms to make it easier to communicate with students.

Theresa May RULES out UK burka ban

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