'You won't get through' Austria demands Brussels impose HARDLINE stance on immigration

AUSTRIA is calling for the European Union to adopt a tough stance towards immigration designed to stop migrants reaching the continent.

Sebastian Kurz: Current stance on immigration isn't working

Sebastian Kurz, Austria’s foreign minister is advocating the EU applies an “Australian model” towards migration, meaning that boats containing migrants are returned home or sent to detention centres in countries outside Europe.

Mr Kurz raised the issue at a summit in Brussels in which EU leaders have sought to address the influx of refugees across the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.


Austria's foreign minister Sebastian Kurz is calling for a tough stance on immigration

The foreign minister told Politico: “Our approach must be to protect the external borders and to tell whoever tries to come to Europe illegally, ‘You won’t get through’.”

“We have to stop illegal migrants at the external border, care for them, bring them back to their countries of origin, and if that is not possible, protect them in centres outside Europe that we operate and finance."

He added: “That should happen ‘the sooner the better’” and insisted that “if the political will is there, such a thing can be very quickly organised.”

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Mr Kurz is calling for migrants to be sent to detention centres outside Europe

Australia’s asylum policy, which involves migrants being dispatched to camps in Australia-owned territory in Papua New Guinea, has come under heavy criticism from groups such as Human Rights Watch, which claims conditions at the camps are “prison-like”.

Kurz’s stance is much tougher than ideas tabled by the European Commission earlier this year, which called for a permanent and compulsory relocation of asylum seekers within the EU.

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Some Eastern European countries have suggested they should be allowed to reject migrants in exchange for providing financial compensation to the countries where they arrived such as Romania, Portugal or Poland.

But rather than shuffling migrants around the continent, Kurz called for a system by which only the “weakest of the weak” are granted asylum, with their applications being processed in their “countries of origin”.


Mr Kurz's policies would deter migrants crossing seas

He suggested asylum centres be created in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt and Georgia, meaning that migrants no longer face treacherous journeys to reach Europe.

Mr Kurz said such a system would be “much cheaper and more humane than what we are doing now.”

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