Major anti-terror operation in Sydney as man 'tries to blow up police station'

A MAJOR anti-terror operation is under way in Sydney this morning after a man set himself alight and drove a car packed with gas cannisters into a police station in an attempt to blow it up.

Breaking news: attack on Sydney police station

Armed officers swarmed on Merrylands police station in western Sydney, Australia, after the man rammed the vehicle through security barriers and drove into its underground car park. 

Police sources said he then claimed he had a bomb and tried to detonate a large number of gas cannisters stored inside it but failed to do so, describing the incident as an "attempted terror attack". It is believed that he sustained burns during the incident, and that no police officers were injured. 

The man was arrested by police and is now in custody, according to the ABC news network. Witnesses described him as being in his 60s and it is thought he is well-known to police.

Specialist officers from the Rescue and Bomb Disposal Unit are on scene and are working to ensure that all explosive materials are safe. 

The Sydney Morning Herald reported that the man tried to set himself and his car on fire but failed, and was arrested at gunpoint. 

The paper cited a police source saying it was a "very deliberate attack on the station" and that officers are trying to work out the extent of the man's plans.

Channel 7 News tweeted: "It is believed a threat was made at the police station that there would be a large explosion."

An Australian TV channel published this photo of the car involvedNINENEWSSYDNEY

An Australian TV channel published this photo of the car involved

Merrylands police stationGOOGLE

The man drove into the underground car park at Merrylands police station

Scene after car filled with gas cylinders rams Sydney police station

A witness, who did not want to be named, told AAP several police squads and emergency crews have surrounded the building and numerous people saw a figure being taken away from the scene on a stretcher.

Others described a smell of "burning" and said neighbouring businesses had been told to close up their shops and leave the area. 

Andy Toksaz was parked across the road near the post office when he said he heard a loud explosion.

He told the Australian Daily Telegraph: “Suddenly I heard a really loud bang. I got out to see what was going on all the police were out the front.

“They ran from inside and were all looking down the drive way. The car had gone right through the metal roller door.

“They told everyone to run in case there was a bomb.”

Describing the car as small and silver, he added: “They’re were trying to get him out, but all the doors looked like they were stuck. They had fire extinguishers trying to put out the fire.”

Meanwhile Rafi Younes, the chief executive of Merrylands Century 21 real estate agency, told Guardian Australia: “All the roads are blocked so the police wouldn’t let anybody go close. We’ve been told to close the shops and leave the area.”

Mr Younes and his colleague Leonardo De La Vega told the paper that they had been told a man drove into the police station and that there was subsequently an explosion, but it was unclear what caused it.

Mr De La Vega said: “So they had riot police and ambulance outside the street. 

“You could smell something was burning, you could smell it burning.”

An Australian journalist described the Merrylands area in western Australia, where the attack took place, as "culturally diverse". 

Officers at the sceneTNV

Officers arrested the man after he broke into a police station car park

Police at the sceneTNV

Police are at the scene of an attempted terror attack in Australia

Specialist officers wearing helmets and holding shields have rushed to the scene alongside dog squad officers and plainclothes police wearing bulletproof vests, according to The Sydney Morning Herald.

New South Wales Fire and Rescue confirmed they had been called to an incident at the station, but did not share further details. Memorial Avenue, where the police station is located, has been closed to traffic whilst officers investigate. The man was arrested at 8pm local time, which was 11am GMT today. 

A police statement said: "The perimeter remains in place as a precaution while officers from the Rescue and Bomb Disposal Unit attend and examine the vehicle," a police statement said.

"No members of the public or police officers were injured during the operation.

"The circumstances regarding the incident are in the early stages of being confirmed and no further details are available at this time."

Australia has been the target of a number of planned Islamic State (ISIS) terror attacks in recent years, including the siege on a Lindt cafe in Sydney in 2014. 

Security services in the country recently revealed they are having to thwart a growing number of planned attacks, adding that 23 people have been convicted of terrorism offences in the last four years.

More to follow. 

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