Trump demands more sanctions against North Korea amid ALL-OUT NUCLEAR WAR fears

PRESIDENTAL hopeful Donald Trump has demanded more sanctions on North Korea amid fears the rogue state will spark a nuclear war.

Donald TrumpGETTY

Donald Trump called on China to 'solve the problem' of North Korea

North Korea yesterday conducted its first hydrogen bomb test – triggering an earthquake near the state's main nuclear site.

The tremors from the 5.1 magnitude eruption were felt miles away from the Punggye-ri test site in the north east of the country.

Hydrogen bombs can be 1000 times more powerful than the atomic weapons dropped on Japan in 1945 – killing around 200,000 people.

We should put pressure on China to solve the problem

Donald Trump

North Korea, ruled by tyrant Kim Jong-un, is already under a wide array of international sanctions.

But Republican front-runner Mr Trump urged China to rein in its ally or face trade repercussions.

He said: "China should solve that problem and we should put pressure on China to solve the problem."

He added: "If they don't solve that problem, we should be very tough on them on trade – meaning, start charging them tax or start cutting them off."

Kim Jong-unGETTY

North Korea detonated a hydrogen bomb yesterday

Mr Trump's main Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, called on Beijing to be more assertive in deterring Pyongyang's "irresponsible actions".

She added:"As Secretary [of State], I championed the United States' pivot to the Asia Pacific... in part to confront threats like North Korea and to support our allies.

"I worked to get not just our allies but also Russia and China on board for the strongest sanctions yet."

Hillary ClintonGETTY

Hillary Clinton backed the 'strongest sanctions' against the rogue state

But major powers are likely be reluctant to take the tough steps necessary to force Pyongyang to abandon its weapons program.

The US will not impose crippling sanctions due to its close relations with China, according to former American diplomat Joseph DeThomas.

He said: "We are deeply interlinked and if you hold an economic gun to China's head, you are holding it to your own head."

Philip Hammond, the Foreign Secretary, called the test a "grave breach" of UN Security Council resolutions.

He said: "If a nuclear device has been detonated by North Korea, this is a grave breach of UN Security Council resolutions and a provocation which I condemn without reservation.

"It underlines the very real threat that North Korea represents to regional and international security.

"We will be working with other UN Security Council members to ensure the international community responds urgently and decisively to this latest activity."

UN chief demands N. Korea cease 'any further nuclear activities'

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