Angry women tweet Prime Minister about their PERIODS in bid to overturn anti-abortion laws

FURIOUS women are live-tweeting their periods at the Prime Minister in a bid to overturn Ireland's strict anti-abortion laws.


Irish women are tweeting Enda Kenny about their periods

Comedian Grainne Maguire began the social media protest earlier this week by telling Enda Kenny, the country's leader, about her menstrual cycle.

Now women across Ireland are taking to Twitter to share details of their periods, accompanied by the hashtag #repealthe8th.

The controversial eight amendment of the country's constitution – adopted in 1983 – makes abortion a criminal offence.

Maguire, who has more than 6,000 Twitter followers, urged women to join the campaign on Monday.

She tweeted: "Since we know how much the Irish state cares about our reproductive parts – I call my womb Ireland's assembly.

The comic added: "I think it's only fair that the women of Ireland let our leader @EdnaKennyTD know the full details of our menstrual cycle.

"Hey @EdnaKennyTD just so you know, I got my period two days ago. Pretty heavy flow at first but now just occasional spotting."

Pro-life protestersAFP•GETTY

Pro-life protesters at the Irish Parliament in Dublin

Anne Cole joined the hashtag, writing: "Day 1 and counting, another cycle begins. Maybe this one will end differently. Either way – my body, my choice."

Joanne O'Sullivan told Kenny: "Day 5 and the flow is petering out, like your political power."

And Imelda Maguire said: "Hey @EndaKennyTD, my flow is a little lighter today. I might even be able to leave the house soon!"

Enda KennyGETTY

64-year-old Enda Kenny has been Prime Minister since 2011

This summer human rights charity Amnesty International claimed pregnant women are putting their lives at risk if they remain in Ireland.

Spokesman Salil Shetty said: "The human rights of women are violated on a daily basis because of a constitution that treats them like child-bearing vessels.

"Women who need abortions are treated like criminals, stigmatised and forced to travel abroad, taking a serious toll on their mental and physical health."

Ireland: Think outside my box! abortion protesters face-off in Dublin

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