Tourists warned as restaurants in Spanish holiday hotspot hike rip-off prices again

Tourists in Majorca have been warned about price hikes in restaurants, which have complained about falling trade as anti-tourism protests continue.

By Grace Piercy, News Reporter

Majorca bar

Majorca's restaurants and bars are reportedly hiking prices (Image: Getty)

Tourists have been warned as restaurants in a Spanish holiday hotspot send their prices soaring again.

Majorcan restaurants and bars have complained of a drop in trade following anti-tourism protests, forcing them to raise prices.

Alfonso Robledo, president of Majorca's restaurant association, said the fall in visitors has been more noticeable in resorts and that he fears the trend will continue.

He told the Majorca Daily Bulletin: "Before there was no difference between Mondays and Saturdays. We were always full because people who are on holiday don’t take into account whether it is a working day or a public holiday.

"This year, however, customers are leaving their dinners or lunches for the weekends."

Majorca marina

Locals said that tourists are not spending as much money (Image: Getty)

But British ex-pats living on the island have said that prices have risen recently, which may be what puts customers off.

One expat said: "We own a home in Majorca and we love to eat out, perhaps five or six evenings a week with the occasional lunch while we’re there.

"I noticed many restaurants in Port Andratx were offering menu del dia, which is unusual for this time of year, perhaps a sign they are struggling.”

Another said: "Whenever there’s a slowdown or dip the Majorcans almost always put the prices up. It’s insane economics and is going to bite them harder and harder as more punters refuse to pay stupid prices for mainly mediocre fare."

One pointed out the cost of living crisis pushing Brits to spend less money while on holiday: "Brutal truth. The first night of the holiday - tourists arrive, they’ve not had a chance to shop so they splash out in a restaurant.

"After that shock, they go to the supermarkets and stock up on food and drink to save money. They maybe have one more night out at the end of the week. It’s not that it’s expensive; it’s just that British tourists have so much less money now."

A regular visitor said: "A restaurant on a beach just outside Palma has doubled its prices within the space of a year. Most tourists and locals just won’t pay 25 Euros for a simple fish dish with vegetables at a place that used to charge 13 Euros for the same plate and on an island where they can pay 13 Euros in many decent places for the menú del día."

But not all blamed the restaurants, with one tourist saying: "Whilst I appreciate costs have risen significantly, most Majorcan restaurants are extremely expensive for what is offered.

"In fairness, restaurants are businesses and if they can get away with it then why shouldn’t they? However, tourists and residents alike are not so free spending and if restaurants want to attract customers they may need to improve the offer and reduce their prices."

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