Major breakthrough for Ukraine as EU agrees to open talks for country to join bloc

EU leaders agree to open negotiations for Ukraine and Moldova to join the block, despite Hungary's PM Viktor Orban threatening to veto.

By Isabella MarsansAlice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Volodymyr Zelensky

This is a massive victory for Ukraine after it applied for membership in 2022 (Image: Getty)

The 27 European Union leaders have agreed to open talks for Ukraine and Moldova to join the bloc in a massive breakthrough. Charles Michel, president of the European Council, said the decision was "a clear signal of hope for their people and for our continent."

This is a massive victory for Ukraine after the eastern European country applied for membership on February 28, 2022, just days after Russia's violent invasion.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the news and issued a statement on social media. He wrote: "This is a victory for Ukraine. A victory for all of Europe. A victory that motivates, inspires, and strengthens."

The move comes as Hungary and EU leaders have been at loggerheads for the past few weeks amid fears Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban will use his veto to stop key decisions. This week the Hungarian PM confirmed his opposition to offering Ukraine a fast-track accession.

A diplomat said: "The problem is we don’t know his game. Is it classic Orban, with very, very harsh positions and then a deal? Or is it a longer term play … the sense is it’s very different this time."

The decision, which was achieved during a summit with EU leaders in Brussels, but was nearly thrown into chaos when Orban questioned Ukraine's readiness to start accession negotiations. He said upon arrival on Thursday: "Enlargement is not a theoretical issue, it's a merits-based, legally detailed process, which has preconditions.

"If you haven't fulfilled the preconditions, there is no chance to start the negotiations. We have to come back later on and revert to that issue again when it is fulfilled by the Ukrainians."

Orban had told Hungary's National Assembly on Wednesday that he would block any proposal to begin talks on Ukraine's EU membership bid at the summit in Brussels. It is not yet clear what made the Hungarian Prime Minister lift his veto.

The EU will also "open negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina once the necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria is reached". The bloc has also granted Georgia the status of a candidate country.

Putin won't be happy - ANALYSIS

Earlier today, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had pleaded with the EU27 gathered for talks on Ukraine and its possible future within the bloc not to "betray" his country by delaying talks on Kyiv's accession to the Union.

Warning that by doing so Brussels would play into the hand of Russia, the Ukrainian leader said dithering on the issue would put a "satisfied smile" on the face of Vladimir Putin.

Despite Hungary's repeated protests over the past few days, most of the leaders in Europe listened to Mr Zelensky and chose in favour of opening accession talks for Kyiv - as well as for Moldova, another pro-Western nation formerly part of the USSR. It is safe to say Putin won't be pleased when news of this historic decision reaches the Kremlin.

The Russian leader has been warning Ukraine against cosying up with Europe for more than a decade, since Kyiv was working on a trade deal with Brussels. This new step closer to joining the EU goes in the opposite direction of the goals set by the "special military operation" - as the Kremlin insists on calling the full-scale invasion against Ukraine launched by Russia in February 2022 - and which Putin insisted on Thursday remained the conditions to bring peace back to the eastern European country. These goals are the "de-Nazification, de-militarisation and a neutral status" of Ukraine.

Kyiv's accession talks with Brussels will happen alongside Ukraine also working to join NATO after the end of the war - another mortal fear of Putin, as it would further tip the power balance in the European continent in favour of the West.

After Finland joined the Western military alliance in April as a direct response to the threat exercised by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia's Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu warned the Kremlin would be forced to take "counter-measures" - further raising fears Moscow would widen the scope of its conflict and turn it into a new global war.

The world may well expect over the next few days similar threats from Putin or his mouthpieces.

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