Ukraine inflicts 'mass casualties' on Russia as long-range weapons humiliate Putin

Ukraine continues to launch long-range missiles deep into Russian territory, decimating Vladimir Putin's forces. One such strike killed at least 70 soldiers, according to the UK's Ministry of Defence.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

A Ukrainian soldier firing artillery.

Ukraine is devastating Russian forces behind the frontline in mass casualty attacks. (Image: GETTY)

Ukraine's well behind the frontlines including a strike that destroyed a convoy and killed more than 70 Russian soldiers, according to the UK Ministry of Defence.

In an update posted to X (formerly Twitter), the MoD said: "Russian forces in Ukraine continue to suffer mass casualties from Ukrainian long-range precision strikes well behind the front line.

"On 10 November 2023, likely over 70 Russian troops were killed in a strike on a convoy of trucks 23km behind the front line in the village of Hladkivka, Kherson Oblast."

Western weaponry including US-made HIMARS and Franco-British SCALP/Storm Shadow Missiles have allowed Kyiv to strike at Russian targets well behind the frontline to devastating effects.

The MoD said that while commanders on both sides should be well aware of the threats facing their troops, it could be hard to implement best practices to avoid missile and artillery attacks.

READ MORE: Vladimir Putin 'takes back control' after Ukraine's counteroffensive 'fails'

HIMARS firing in a training exercise.

Western long-range weapons, including US HIMARS (pictured), have been devastating Russian forces. (Image: GETTY)

The MoD wrote: "Deployed soldiers are typically well aware of the ranges of their adversary’s weapons systems. However, faced with the reality of very long combat deployments, commanders face an acute dilemma.

"They must balance the best practice of keeping the troops dispersed, and less vulnerable to strikes, and the day-to-day requirement to gather units together to conduct administration and to maintain morale."

The news comes as fierce fighting continues in Ukraine, despite the worsening weather as winter approaches.

Ukraine has moved significant forces across the Dnipro River in the southern Kherson region while Russia continues to launch vicious assaults in the east of the country where .

Russia attacked earlier this week near the destroyed settlement of Andriivka as well as towards the city of Bakhmut.

On November 21, Russian forces advanced in both areas, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). Both sides continue to mount attacks despite the snowy and rainy weather impeding movement, the think-tank added.

The ISW added that it "continues to assess that freezing weather conditions during the winter will likely prompt the resumption of more active combat operations in Ukraine, and ongoing rainy weather is unlikely to halt Ukrainian or Russian attacks."

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