'I'm being hunted by Putin's thugs - after 3 assassination attempts they're still coming'

EXCLUSIVE: Igor Sychev claims he was told Vladimir Putin's goons have already "ordered and paid for" his assassination by poisoning and that investigators in the UK are looking into those threats.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor

Igor's wrecked car.

Igor has survived three car wrecks he claims were orchestrated by Russian oligarch's. (Image: Igor Sychev)

Vladimir Putin’s FSB is hunting a exile who claims powerful oligarchs are out for his blood.

Igor Sychev, 48, told Daily Express US he was the target of three assassination attempts while in Russia and has faced regular death threats since he fled the country in 2016.

UK and Latvian police are said to be investigating the threats against his life after a dispute with chemical holding company PhosAgro.

Igor told Daily Express US: “Last Saturday I received a message from an unknown person - a fake Facebook account - that said the FSB is behind those Oligarchs. The FSB is responsible for organizing poisonings and assassinations of opposition abroad and in Russia.

“Those threats demand that I have to drop this civil case in the UK against them. They even threaten my children.”

Igor worked for PhosAgro as head of taxation for 18 years and says he helped them sort out high-level tax claims from the government.

Igor Sychev.

Igor Sychev is living in exile and hasn't seen his children in seven years. (Image: Igor Sychev)

In exchange, he says he was promised a one per cent stake in the business in shares - about $50 million (£41 million) at the time.

He claims the company said because their agreement was verbal - something Igor says was commonplace at the time in Russia - it would not pay him.

He alleges PhosAgro did pay him $ 5 million (£4.1 million) into a company made in his name but that payment was “secretly” formulated as a loan agreement which he would have to pay back with interest. He has launched a claim in UK civil court regarding the issue.

Following the launch of a civil case, Igor alleges he began receiving threats against his life - both by email and over the phone.

One threat emailed on May 22 - seen by Daily Express US - reads: “I wish to bring your attention to the below. Order to kill you. By poison to make it look like suicide, or a freak fall to make it look like an accident.”


A crashed car.

Igor claims 'nuts were loosened' on his cars causing him to crash. (Image: Igor Sychev)

A letter sent by the City of London Police and seen by Daily Express US appears to show a case has been opened investigating the matter. Igor claims that Lativian police have also opened an investigation.

Igor fled Russia for Latvia where he lives in exile in 2016 following three serious car wrecks. He claims these were assassination attempts ordered by oligarchs.

He said: “Those car accidents began when I insisted our agreement about the one percent shares should be formulated in writing. That’s when all three of my cars experienced brake malfunctions and wheel detachments.

“These accidents occurred while the car was moving at a very high speed. A wheel would just detach itself, the brakes would stop working. As a result, two of my cars were smashed beyond repair - by some miracle, no one else was harmed.

Igor claims that official and privately commissioned examinations of the cars confirmed that “nuts were loosened” to cause the wheels to detach at high speed.

He says a criminal case was initiated in Russia for attempted murder but that case mysteriously disappeared before he fled the country with his wife and children.

Igor says the ordeal has wrecked his family life - he and his wife and are now divorced. She and their two children are in Russia and he hasn’t seen them in seven years.

He doesn’t believe he will return to Russia while is still in charge.

PhosAgro told Daily Express US that it had been "the subject of numerous wild and unsubstantiated allegations by Mr. Sychev, which he has put before the English Courts on every possible occasion in a desperate attempt to justify claims that have been struck out against PhosAgro.

"In so doing, the Court has ordered My Sychev to pay the costs of those failed applications, which he has conspicuously failed to do."

"His latest attempt in contacting you is yet another desperate example of his doomed attempts to extract monies out of PhosAgro to which he has absolutely no entitlement and the allegations he has made are denied.

"Mr. Sychev’s conduct is an ill-disguised attempt by a dissatisfied litigant to re-argue in the media the case he lost against PhosAgro in the English court. The court judgment is final, the Court of Appeal having rejected the numerous permission to appeal applications filed by Mr Sychev."

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