Ukraine: Putin humiliated as forces retreat from Finnish border as NATO threat erupts

RUSSIAN forces have retreated from the border with Finland as the country is poised to join NATO while Vladimir Putin scrambles to find more men to send to the frontlines in Ukraine.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor, Charles Harrison, News Reporter, Astha Saxena

Putin warns Finland and Sweden on installing Nato infrastructure

Satellite images appear to show that more than 100 vehicles have been moved from the Alakurtti military base near the Finnish border, according to Euromaidan press. The vehicles likely have been moved to Ukraine as Russian losses mount there. Dozens of armoured personnel carriers and other vehicles, along with 800 - 1000 soldiers are reported to have left. Russian expert Marko Eklund said: “It is very likely that they were sent by train to Ukraine.” Russia has not announced any troop movements from the base.

Vladimir Putin Russian troops.

Putin has pulled forces from the Finnish border. (Image: GETTY)

The news comes as Canada became the first NATO country to ratify Sweden and Finland’s request to join NATO.

If Finland joins the alliance, it would more than double NATO’s land border with Russia - a serious blow to Putin who has claimed NATO expansion is a threat to Russian security.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said: “Canada has full confidence in Finland and Sweden’s ability to integrate quickly and effectively into NATO and contribute to the Alliance’s collective defence. We have always welcomed their close partnership with the Alliance and their valuable contributions to transatlantic security.”


hock as Russia warns 'humanity threatened' if West punishes Putin over Ukraine

FORMER RUSSIAN President Dmitry Medvedev said that efforts by the West to punish a nuclear power like Russia for the war in Ukraine is a “threat to humanity”.

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia on February 24 has led to the most serious crisis in relations between Russia and the West since the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, when many feared the world was on the verge of nuclear war.

US President Joe Biden says Russian President Vladimir Putin is a war criminal and has led the West in arming Ukraine and imposing severe sanctions on Russia.

Mr Medvedev said on Telegram on Wednesday: “The idea of ​​punishing the country with the greatest nuclear potential is absurd. And potentially a threat to the very existence of humanity.”

Russia slams Macron for airing call with Putin in breach of ‘diplomatic etiquette'

RUSSIA has slammed French President Emmanuel Macron for airing a private phone call he had with Vladimir Putin ahead of his invasion of Ukraine.

The conversation was featured in a new two-hour documentary ‘A President, Europe and War’ about the French President and has been criticised by The Kremlin as a breach of “diplomatic etiquette”.

The phone call held on February 20 was Macron’s last attempt at attempting to sway Putin away from escalating tensions and sparking war as four days later Russia invaded its neighbour.

The Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov slammed the segment of the documentary saying that the discussion was never made for television.

Erdogan humiliated as Turkish inflation hits 78% in 24 year high - 'mother of all evil'

TURKEY is facing inflation of 78.6 percent, a 24 year high, and food costs have doubled over the past year, according to official figures.

However, a group of independent economists led by Professor Veysel Ulusoy who look at 7 million pieces of data every month have warned that the real situation may be worse than the official figures indicate.

They argue that inflation hit a staggering 175 percent last month, much higher than the official figures which are being discredited by foreign investors.

Even foreign multinational giants are struggling to keep up with Apple increasing the price of their iPhone smartphones twice in the last three months.

Perfect storm as inflation, energy price surges and Ukraine war hit retailers in Germany

German retailers have been hit by a triple whammy of inflation, energy price surges and the Ukraine war as sales dwindle.

According to a survey by the German Retail Association (HDE), almost every second retailer expects a decline in sales in 2022. Retailers cite rising energy costs and high inflation, which is affecting businesses and citizens.

The HDE’s survey of 800 retailers found 44 percent said they expected sales to decline in 2022.


Deranged Putin stages nuclear drills with HUGE missiles after warning UK of 'end of mankind'

Vladimir Putin has staged nuclear missile drills after the Kremlin threatened the end of the "existence of mankind".

The road-launched intercontinental Yars missiles were tested in a forest in western Siberia. With a range of 7,500 miles, the weapons are capable of striking Britain or anywhere in Europe.

The tests were performed hours after Russia’s former president and current head of the Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, issued a nuclear threat.

Mr Medvedev warned of the end of the “existence of mankind” if Moscow is punished for war crimes. A statement from the Russian defence ministry said: “Over 100 pieces of hardware are taking part in the exercise”.


Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin (Image: Getty)

Horrific map exposes how many civilians have died in Ukraine

The extent of President Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine has been revealed as a new map shows how many thousands of civilians have been killed since Russia's invasion.

Russia began massing its troops along the Ukrainian border in February of last year — an exercise that continued for a few months until the summer, when personnel slowly peeled away.

By October, however, the pile-up began again, and with the soldiers arrived military equipment.

Since then, while Ukraine has provided no official death toll, it is believed that thousands of its soldiers have been killed in battle.


Luhansk and Donetsk: Why regions are crucial for Russia's war in Ukraine

Ukraine's President Zelensky said the battle for Donbas will decide the course of the war. Why is the region so crucial?

Russia has occupied parts of Ukraine’s Donbas region since 2014, when it also annexed Crimea. Luhansk and Donetsk are largely Russian-speaking areas and Vladimir Putin has declared both the regions independent people’s republics.

Apart from Russia, only Syria recognises the independence of Luhansk and Donetsk, with most of the world viewing them as a proxy Russian-controlled territory.

President Zelensky described Russia’s occupation of the territory as “torture”, and has called for support from the West in pushing out Russian troops.


Boris Johnson says it wouldn't be "responsible" to resign due to Ukraine war

Defying further calls for him to resign, the PM has said it wouldn't be "responsible" for him to do so while Russia continues to invade Ukraine. 

Speaking to a parliamentary panel, Mr Johnson said: "I look at the the issues that this country faces ... I look at the biggest war in Europe for 80 years.

"And I cannot, for the life of me, see how it is responsible just to walk away from that."

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has been hit with a wave of resignations from his government (Image: Getty)

Erdogan ‘intensifies’ talks between Putin and Ukraine as grain deal close to finalised

Russia and Ukraine are close to finalising the grain deal, said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

According to reports, Turkey is attempting to broker a deal between Russia and Ukraine. The government in Kyiv wants Turkey to provide security guarantees to ships carrying the grain through the Black Sea.

Turkish President Erdogan said: “Negotiations are going ahead so that this grain, and sunflower oil, can reach the world.”


Lithuanian crowdfunded Bayraktar drone to arrive in Ukraine

A crowdfunded drone will soon be shipped from Lithuania to Ukraine. The Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 drone is in Lithuania but is expected to be shipped to Ukraine in the coming hours.

The country’s Defence Minister Arvydas Anušauskas Tweeted: “Last hours of Bayraktar “Vanagas” in Lithuania. Very soon it will be delivered to Ukraine.”

The drone and ammunition arrived in the country on Monday. Vanagas means hawk in Lithuanian.

The Lithuanian broadcaster Laisves TV organised the crowdfunding campaign, which raised approximately 6million euros.

After hearing that the payment was crowdsourced by Lithuanian citizens, the manufacturer donated the drone for free.

The Lithuanian Defence Ministry said in a statement: “Citizens of Lithuania collected funds for this aircraft, but inspired by the idea, the Turkish company 'Baykar', the manufacturer of 'Bayraktar', decided to donate it.”

“1.5 million euros of the donated 5.9 million was allocated for arming the unmanned aircraft.”

Bayraktar drones have been used in Ukraine and have been particularly suited to destroying Russian armour and other vehicles.


The drone is expected to be shipped to Ukraine in the coming hours. (Image: GETTY)

Lithuania announces 10million euro boost for Ukraine reconstruction

Lithuania has announced that it will provide a further 10million euros to go towards Ukraine’s eventual reconstruction, according to NEXTA news agency.

The Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said that the Lithuanian Government would continue to support Ukraine, including after the war.

She said: "We must continue and accelerate military, humanitarian and financial assistance so that Ukraine wins this war sooner…Lithuania will transfer an additional 10 million euros to the National Bank of Ukraine for urgent restoration work."

Putin facing logistical nightmare as Russia failings exposed: ‘No army is this backwards'

The Russian military has been called “corrupt and technologically backwards” for eschewing even the most basic logistical equipment including forklifts and cranes, according to a political commentator.

Thomas Theiner took to Twitter to savage the Russian military, posting a video of a Russian supply depot where soldiers were unloading munitions by hand, showing the sad state of their logistics network.

The news of Russia's continued supply problems could not have come at a worse time for the Kremlin. With the arrival of NATO’s HIMARS rocket systems, Russian supply depots have come under devastating attack.

Ukrainian forces are using the hi-tech weapons system to order precision strikes on Russian command posts and supply depots. Four of the weapons systems are operational in Ukraine and the US has promised four more to be delivered.

Ukraine is ‘holding back’ Russian forces in Donetsk

Ukraine is holding the line in Donetsk as Russian forces attempt an incursion into the northern part of the region. Sloviansk and other civilian areas are being heavily shelled.

The Governor of Luhansk, the neighbouring region which is fully under Moscow’s control, gave an update on Ukrainian television.

Serhiy Gaidai said: "We are holding back the enemy on the border of Luhansk region and Donetsk region.”

He also said Russian sent regular army units as well as reserve forces had attempted to cross the Seversky Donets River and that two small areas inside of the border of Luhansk were the site of fierce fighting.

Now that Luhansk has fallen, Russia has begun to increase its focus on neighbouring Donetsk - together the two areas make up the eastern industrial region known as the Donbass.

Sloviansk market

A market in Sloviansk after being hit by Russian artillery. (Image: GETTY)

Ukraine expects to harvest 50million tonnes of grain this year

Ukraine has said that it expects to harvest at least 50million tonnes of grain this year. The country’s first deputy agricultural minister said this amount was “not bad given all the difficulties”.

Ukraine is a major exporter of grain and harvested 86million tonnes in 2021.

However, there are concerns how Ukraine will export the harvest while Russian naval forces blockade the Black Sea and the vital port of Odessa.

The war is blamed for soaring food prices and food insecurity rising around the world.

The report comes as Ukraine has accused Russia of stealing grain from occupied areas and shipping it out of Crimea.

Ukraine grain

Ukraine expects to harvest 50million tonnes of grain this year. (Image: GETTY)

Private call between Macron and Lavrov leaked breach of ‘diplomatic etiquette’

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov fumed following the leak of a call between him and the French President Emmanuel Macron, just days before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The content of the confidential call was featured in a French documentary revealed by broadcaster France 2.

Mr Lavrov said: “Diplomatic etiquette does not provide for unilateral leaks of (such) recordings.”

He added that Russia had nothing to be ashamed of from the content of the call.

The French President has continued to hold regular calls with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, following his invasion of Ukraine.

Hospitals and morgues ‘full to bursting’ as Russians leave wounded troops behind in Donbas

Russian troops have suffered such heavy losses while capturing the twin cities of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk that they are being forced to leave their wounded behind, according to the regional Governor of Luhansk.

Serhiy Gaidai told Ukrainian television that casualties were so severe that the morgues and hospitals were “bursting”.

He said: "The hospitals are full to bursting - as are the morgues.

"Our forces have been hitting their depots away from the front lines. A great deal of equipment and fuel needed for equipment is being destroyed. So we can assume that they will have to take a breather at some point."

However, as Sloviansk in the Donetsk region is continually shelled, it seems Russian forces would press their offensive.

Irish Prime Minister Micheal Martin visits Kyiv

The Irish Taoiseach Michael Martin is in Kyiv where he has reiterated his country’s support for Ukraine.

During the Prime Minister’s first official visit to the country, he toured Bucha and Borodyanka where he was shown a destroyed apartment block and a mass grave.

He said: “This war must stop.”

He was invited to Ukraine last month by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The details of his visit have been kept secret due to security concerns, however it is thought that he travelled by train from Poland to Kyiv.

Micheal Martin

Irish PM Micheal martin is in Kyiv to show his country's support for Ukraine. (Image: PA)

Turkey told to urgently intervene in Black Sea crisis as Putin's ships plot next target

Ukraine has asked Turkey to detain three Russian-flagged ships which are suspected to have transported stolen Ukrainian grain.

Ukraine has urged Ankara to obtain documentation about their cargo after they travelled to Ukraine’s main grain terminal at Sevastopol in April and May. The ships are dry bulk carriers - ships made for carrying unpackaged bulk, including grain.

If the ships are proven to have transported grain from recently occupied Ukrainian territory, it would add to emerging evidence of the involvement of Russian-state-owned entities in exporting stolen goods.

Erdogan and Putin

Ukraine has urged Turkey to seize Russian ships suspected of carrying stolen Ukrainian grain. (Image: GETTY)

Two vehicles carrying Russian border guards attacked in Belgorod cross-border raid

Two vehicles carrying Russian border guards have been attacked in the Belgorod region of Russia, according to

One was reportedly shot with small arms and a grenade launcher while another had an explosive dropped on it from an aerial vehicle, likely a drone.

The first vehicle was attacked 400 metres from the Ukrainian border, one guard was killed and three were taken to hospital. The second vehicle was carrying two guards who were unharmed in the blast.

‘Fastest way to end the war’ Ukraine uses deadly new missiles to wipe out Russian supplies

The newly delivered HIMARS rocket system may be the “fastest way to end the war”, according to a political commentator.

The US-made system can hit targets accurately to a range of nearly 50 miles. Ukraine has been using them to destroy Russian supply and command centres - to devastating effect.

Russia uses massive artillery bombardments to suppress and destroy Ukrainian positions, it fires an estimated 20,000 artillery rounds a day compared to Ukraine’s 6,000.

Ukrainian forces believe that if they continue to hit Russian munitions dumps, they may be able to silence their guns.

HIMARS firing.

The HIMARS rocket system firing. (Image: GETTY)

Two killed seven injured in Russian shelling

Two people have been killed and seven injured following Russian shelling which reportedly hit a market in the city Sloviansk.

The Governor of Donetsk Pavlo Kyrylenko said: “Once again the Russians are intentionally targeting places where civilians assemble. This is terrorism pure and simple.”

The city is likely the site of the next "key contest" in the battle for the Donbas, according to the Ministry of Defence.

Putin attack dog Lavrov orders world to obey law in stern threat as Russia kills thousands

Sergei Lavrov, Russia's Foreign Minister and a key ally of President Vladimir Putin, has taunted the West by saying the world must respect international law - despite Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Mr Lavrov accused the UK of "looking for an excuse" to send a fleet to the Black Sea to supervise grain exports.

The comments come as Mr Lavrov is visiting his Vietnamese counterpart in Hanoi.

Sergei Lavrov

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has taunted the West. (Image: GETTY)

Russia seeks 'regime change' and 'territorial expansion' in Ukraine

RUSSIAN war goals in Ukraine are regime change and territorial expansion far beyond the Donbas, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

The claims come following comments by Nikolai Patrushev, who echoed Vladimir Putin’s initial war goals when the invasion began in February. Mr Patrushev is secretary of the Security Council of Russia.

The comments make an unlikely ceasefire even less so, as Ukraine has said it is determined to never give up territory to Russia.

'Next key contest' in Donbas as Putin faces 'extremely determined resistance'

Following the capture of the city of Lysychansk, Russia controls all of the Luhansk region, one of Putin’s stated war goals.

Next in the Russian sights is the Donetsk region, which together with Luhansk makes up the Donbas.

However, Ukrainian forces have dug into defensive positions in the area and Russian troops will face an “extremely determined Ukrainian resistance”, according to the Ministry of Defence (MoD).

As Russian forces move to consolidate their forces in Luhansk, it is very likely the next key battle will take place in the Ukrainian held city of Sloviansk in Donetsk.

The MoD said in a tweet: “Russia likely continues to consolidate its control over Lysychansk and Luhansk Oblast. To the north, it has committed most of the remaining available units from the Eastern and Western Groups of Forces to the Izium axis.

“Over the last week, Russian forces have likely advanced up to another 5 km down the E40 main road from Izium, in the face of extremely determined Ukrainian resistance.

“Russian forces from the Eastern and Western Groups of Forces are likely now around 16 km north from the town of Sloviansk.

“With the town also under threat from the Central and Southern Groups of Forces, there is a realistic possibility that the battle for Sloviansk will be the next key contest in the struggle for the Donbas.”

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