EU news: State of emergency declared at border– 'physical violence' officially backed

LITHUANIA has declared a state of emergency on the border with Belarus after hundreds of migrants flocked to the area in a desperate bid to enter the EU.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

Belarus: Migrants mass at Kuznica-Bruzgi border with Poland

The state of emergency will come into effect at midnight local time and is stay in place for a month. The emergency measures will allow border guards to use "mental coercion" and "proportional physical violence" to prevent migrants from entering Lithuania. The news comes hours after gunfire broke out at the border where more than a thousand migrants are attempting to force their way into the country. 


Additional reporting by Olivia Stringer and Monika Pallenberg

EU news LIVE: Belarus sparks massive headache for bloc as 'shots fired' at border

EU news LIVE: Belarus sparks massive headache for bloc as 'shots fired' at border (Image: Getty)

Putin and Lukashenko discussed migrant crisis in emergency phone call

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko discussed the migrant ciris during a telephone call on Tuesday, according to Belarusian state news agency Belta.

Belta said: "A special place in the conversation was taken by the discussion of the situation on the Belarusian-Polish border, as well as the tough actions of the Polish side in relation to civilians.

"At the same time, it was emphasised, the fact of regular Polish troops gathering on the border was of particular concern.

"The heads of state discussed in detail the disturbing facts and trends taking place on the Belarusian-Polish borders."

Putin and Lukashenko discussed migrant crisis in emergency phone call (Image: GETTY)

Two dozen migrants in Lithuania suspected of having links to terrorist organisations

Around two dozen migrants detained in Lithuania after illegally crossing into the country from Belarus are suspected of having links to terrorist organisations, according to Lithuania's vice interior minister Kestutis Lancinskas. 

He told the BBC that most of them handed over fake IDs when they were stopped and background checks are still ongoing.

Mr Lancinskas said: "There is always a certain level of risk when there's a large number of people crossing the border.

"All member states have a level of terrorism threat. Our intelligence services are doing their best to prevent those kinds of activities."

He could not comment on which terrorist organisations may have links with the migrants, nor when they were detained.

Lithuania has declared a state of emergency and has moved troops to its border with Belarus to prepare for a possible influx of migrants. 

Polish PM condemns 'people being used as human shields'

Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki has described the current situation between his country and Belarus as "a new type of war in which people are used as human shields". 

He lamented Poland now being on the front line of a "stage play" which was designed by Russian president Vladimir Putin to create chaos in the EU.

He added that it was the first time in 30 years that Poland's border security had been so "brutally attacked".

'A new type of war in which people are used as human shields' (Image: GETTY)

Poland PM blames Putin for migrant crisis

Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki has accused Russian president Vladimir Putin of "masterminding" the migrant crisis. 

Speaking on Tuesday at an emergency parliamentary session after visiting troops on the border, Mr Morawiecki said: "This attack which Lukashenko is conducting has its mastermind in Moscow, the mastermind is President Putin."

Mr Lukashenko strenuously denies sending migrants over the border to destabilise the EU. 

Poland PM blames Putin for migrant crisis (Image: GETTY)

'You may be poisoned!' mysterious text being sent to migrants

A text message sent by the Polish government directed at migrants but being sent to most recent travellers to Poland delivers a series of stark warnings. 

The text includes messages such as “The Polish border is sealed”, “Belarus told you lies” and “Go back to Minsk”.

Finally, it contains a link to the sinister warning which states: “Do not take any pills or medications given to you in Belarus. You may be poisoned!”

'You may be poisoned!' mysterious text being sent to migrants (Image: GETTY)

Reports of migrants being 'beaten, kicked and electrocuted' at borders

There has been reports of migrants being beaten, kicked, and electrocuted, according to the humanitarian affairs advisor for Doctors Without Borders. 

Kyle McNally said: “The situation is desperate and it’s getting worse.

“I have seen first-hand the injuries people experienced when assaulted by border guards from both Poland and Lithuania.

"People have described being beaten with the butt of a gun, kicked in the ribs, electrocuted in the neck, and have had all their belongings taken or destroyed by European border guards.

"This is unacceptable and must end now.”

Reports of migrants being 'beaten, kicked and electrocuted' at borders (Image: GETTY)

How is Poland protecting its border?

The Polish government has quadrupled the presence of border guards and military personnel across the border since hundreds of migrants started making their way via Belarus. 

The authorities have also created a two-mile deep militarised zone and have lined much of the border with a razor-wire fence.

There are dozens of checkpoints along the entire perimeter of the area with soldiers stopping every vehicle to conduct checks. 

There are also at least three helicopters monitoring the unfolding situation from above.

Polish authorities have lined much of the border with a razor-wire fence (Image: GETTY)

There are at least three helicopters monitoring the situation from above (Image: GETTY)

EU poised to target Belarusian airline

EU officials including European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen are calling for even tighter measures, including on international airlines accused of flying migrants into Minsk to be transported to the border. 

The EU has banned state-owned airline Belavia from EU airspace and EU airports after Minsk forced a Ryanair flight to land to arrest a Belarus opposition journalist.

If the EU decides to implement direct sanctions on the airline, it would prevent it from being able to lease aircraft from Irish, Romanian and Danish companies.

Although there is debate about whether this would apply to existing or only new contracts. 

EU poised to target Belarusian airline (Image: GETTY)

EU diplomats considering 'broader, tighter' measures

European Union states are considering a wide range of sanctions in an attempt to weaken Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko's migrant front. 

The EU is weighing up extended economic sanctions on Belarus which could target the local reinsurance sector and its main company state-owned BelarusRe, diplomats said.

The fifth package of asset freezes and travel bans on Belarusian state officials and businesses would be the EU's latest response to what the West and the Belarus opposition believe was a rigged presidential election in August 2020 by Mr Lukashenko.

The August 2020 election resulted in weeks of protest which was eventually crushed by Mr Lukashenko, with help from Moscow. 

More sanctions this month would take the total number of people under asset freezes and travel bans in Belarus to almost 200 people including Lukashenko, his sons, and more than a dozen institutions and companies.

EU close to deal on fresh wave of Belarus sanctions

The European Union is close to imposing more sanctions on Belarus as the nation uses migrants to inflict pressure on the West. 

The new sanctions will target 30 individuals and entities including the foreign minister and Belarusian airline Belavia, with approval as early as next week, three EU diplomats said.

On Wednesday, the EU's 27 ambassadors are set to formally agree that the swelling numbers of migrants along Belarus' border with Poland amount to "hybrid warfare" and can serve as a legal basis on which to build sanctions.

Belarusian security personnel 'firing shots into the air'

Belarusian security personnel are reportedly "firing empty shots into the air" in an attempt to "stimulate dangerous events" at the border with Poland, according to a spokesperson for Poland's special services. 

The spokesman, Stanislaw Zaryn, said Belarusian security personnel were also providing tools to the migrants to help them destroy the border fence.

On Monday some migrants used spades and other implements to try to break down the border fence.

'Stop using vulnerable people as political pawns,' pleads UN refugee agency

The United Nations refugee agency UNHCR has called for an end to the use of vulnerable people as political pawns.

UNHCR spokesperson Shabia Mantoo said: "We are very alarmed by the scenes that we are seeing from the Belarus-Poland border.

"We have repeatedly said that using refugees, asylum seekers and migrants to achieve political ends is unacceptable and must stop."

'Stop using vulnerable people as political pawns,' pleads UN refugee agency (Image: GETTY)

EU accuses Belarus of 'inhuman, gangster' methods as migrants freeze at Polish border

The European Commission has accused Belarus of adopting an "inhuman, gangster-style approach" to grievances with the bloc which has resulted in the deaths of at least seven migrants. 

Medics were seen putting blankets around some of the migrants with one woman unable to walk.

Commission spokesman Peter Stano said: "This is part of the inhuman and really gangster-style approach of the Lukashenko regime that he is lying to people, he is misusing people... and bringing them to Belarus under the false promise of having easy entry into the EU.

"Upon arrival they are being pushed to the border and forced to make an illegal entry into the European Union."

In response to the influx, the European Commission is now looking to extend sanctions to include "third-country airlines" involved in flying migrants to Belarus.

It said it was looking at flights to Minsk from a number of countries, including Syria, Iran and Qatar as well as Russia and several North African states.

EU accuses Belarus of 'inhuman, gangster' methods as migrants freeze at Polish border (Image: GETTY)

EU accuses Belarus of 'inhuman, gangster' methods as migrants freeze at Polish border (Image: GETTY)

Belarus wants 'shots fired and casualties', says Polish foreign minister

Fears are mounting that tensions could erupt at the Polish border with Belarus as it is believed the latter wants to create a major incident with casualties. 

The Polish government has warned of a possible "armed" escalation as they fear Belarus could try to provoke an incident to embarrass the EU. 

Deputy foreign minister Piotr Wawrzyk said: "Belarus wants to cause a major incident, preferably with shots fired and casualties."

Stanislaw Zaryn, the head of Poland's national security department, said the migrants were under the control of Belarusian armed units.

Poland has deployed 12,000 extra troops after the border guard reported more than 300 attempts to cross illegally.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki meets border army units at the Belarusian-Polish border (Image: GETTY)

'This is state-controlled human trafficking,' says German minister

Norbert Röttgen, chairman of the foreign affairs committee in the German government, has demanded flights to Belarus stop after accusing the nation of "state-controlled human trafficking". 

On Twitter, Mr Röttgen said: "Lukaschenko uses refugees as weapons to punish Europeans for their solidarity with Belarusians. This is state-controlled human trafficking. These people come from countries that receive a lot of money from the EU. You must stop flights to Belarus!

"We need to sanction Lukaschenko much more consistently. His attempt to destabilize the EU is supported by Putin at least tolerated if not supported. The fact that the EU remains silent about this Russian policy is unacceptable."

'There is no escape,' says migrant stuck at border

The hundreds of people at the border of Belarus have been trapped there, according to one migrant. 

Shwan Kurd, 33, arrived in Minsk from Baghdad at the start of November, and was now sleeping in an improvised camp a few metres from Poland's barbed-wire fence.

He told the BBC: "Nobody is letting us get in anywhere, Belarus or Poland.

"There's no way to escape, Poland won't let us in. Every night they fly helicopters. They don't let us sleep. We are so hungry. There's no water or food here. There are little children, old men and women, and families."

Overnight temperatures at the border have plummeted below zero and several people have already died in recent weeks.

'There is no escape,' says migrant stuck at border (Image: GETTY)

Up to 1,000 migrant arriving in Germany daily

In Germany, up to 1,000 migrants arrive every day via Poland, according to German publication Bild. 

Brandenburg has been particularly badly affected as the German state sits on the border with Poland. 

In the first week of November, according to the Federal Police, there were 993 unauthorised entries via Belarus on the German-Polish border.

In 2021, there has been a total of 8,833 of these border crossings. 

Migrants who arrived at the German-Polish border border rest while being processed (Image: GETTY)

What does Lukashenko have to do with the migrant crisis?

For months, the European Union has accused the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, of using refugees to attack Europe by flying them in and facilitating their entry to the bloc. 

Mr Lukashenko has been flying in refugees from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Africa and Asia for months with the aim to destabilise Lithuania, Poland and Germany in particular.

Migrants have described how Belarusian authorities seized their phones and pushed them towards the border fence.

Mr Lukashenko is currently flying in migrants from Damascus and Istanbul, most of them now via Moscow - with active help and cover from Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin.

Now, according to information acquired by German publication BILD, the Lukashenko authorities have made the capital, Minsk, “migrant-free”: everyone who was flown to Minsk via the smugglers' networks is now expected now cross the border with Poland in one fell swoop.

Mr Lukashenko has been flying in refugees from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Africa and Asia (Image: GETTY)

'This is a crisis, we must respond,' says French minister

Clement Beaune, secretary of state for European affairs in the French government, has branded the chaos at the Belarusian borders "a crisis" which demands a firm response. 

Mr Beaune said: "This is a crisis. We must respond together to the provocation of the Belarusian regime.

"We must respond with great firmness, but also with our values. It is not about erecting barbed wire with razor blades."

Crowd at Polish border chant 'Germany'

New footage shared to social media shows crowds of migrants clustered at the Polish border chanting "Germany". 

A section of the barbed wire fence has been removed and Polish servicemen have formed a human shield to cover the hole. 

Above, a helicopter is being used to try to scare the migrants with seemingly little effect. 

Poland shuts Belarus border as 'shots fired'

Poland has closed its border with Belarus after migrants forcibly tried to enter the country.

Shots have reportedly been fired at the border between Belarus and Poland, with migrants claiming that Belarusian security forces were the ones doing the shooting.

Hundreds of migrants have been seen trying to cross into Poland at the Poland-Belarus border, many reportedly from Asia and the Middle East.

The EU has accused Belarus's authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko of pushing the migrants towards the border in retaliation to sanctions imposed on Belarus because of the country’s fraudulent August 2020 elections.

Germany has urged the EU to take action. 

Good afternoon

Good afternoon from London. I’m Tara Fair, I’ll be bringing you all the latest EU developments on the Polish border for the next eight hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


Twitter: @TaraFair_

Russia orders EU to give Belarus money to stop migrant flow

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that Ursula von der Leyen should pay Belarus to stop migrants from coming into the bloc. 

Mr Larov referenced a 2016 deal where the EU gave money to Turkey for taking back migrants who crossed the Aegean to enter Greece illegally, stating that the same should be done with Belarus. 

Mr Lavrov said: "Yesterday during certain political expert discussions it was said: why when refugees were coming from Turkey did the EU provide financing so that they stayed in the Turkish republic?

“Why is it not possible to help the Belarusians in the same way?"

Tear gas used against migrants crossing border

This footage shows tear gas being used by Polish security forces on migrants trying to cross the border into Poland. 

More shots fired at border

More shots have been fired at the Poland-Belarus border where thousands of migrants are currently stuck. 

It is unclear who is firing the shots but it is thought to be Polish security forces. 

German minister calls for EU action

German Minister Horst Seehofer has called for EU action at the Poland-Belarus border. 

Speaking to the German newspaper BILD he said: “We have to help the Polish government secure the external border. That would actually be the job of the EU Commission. I now appeal to them to take action. All EU states have to stick together here because Lukashenko, with the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin, is using the fate of people to destabilise the West. So now we have to stand together. Poland or Germany cannot cope with this on their own."

“The Poles have reacted correctly so far. I also say that we need the structural security of the borders. We also have to publicly support the Poles! We cannot criticise them for protecting the EU's external border with permissible means."

Migrant children suffering in freezing conditions at border

This video shows migrant children, some of who are becoming ill due to the freezing temperatures at the Poland-Belarus border. 

They cannot go forwards or backwards and many have already spent 2-3 days at the border. 

VDL calls for stronger sanctions on Belarus

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has called for tougher sanctions on Belarus, stating that the country must stop putting lives at risk. 

Russian foreign minister urges EU to avoid double standards on migrant crisis.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov has urged EU countries to avoid double standards on the migration crisis on Belarus' border with Poland.

He said: "This crisis stems from the policy implemented by NATO and EU countries in the Middle East and North Africa for years.

"These people do not want to stay in Belarus, in Turkey. They want to go to Europe, which has been promoting and propagating their way of life for years. You must be responsible for your words and actions."

Footage of migrants attempting to forcibly cross border

This footage shows Middle Eastern migrants attempting to break down the wire fence erected by Poland at the Belarus-Poland border so that they can cross the border into Poland. 

European Council formally decides to suspend EU's visa facilitation agreement with Belarus

The European Council have decided to suspend the EU’s visa facilitation agreement with Belarus, amid claims that the country is exploring migrants by pushing them towards the Belarus-Poland border to try and get the EU to lift sanctions imposed on the country. 

Belarusian soldiers control migrants activities

Belarusian soldiers are in control of the migrant's activities. 

Poland accuses Belarus of trying to destabilise it

Poland has accused Belarus of trying to destabilise it in order to force the EU to lift sanctions imposed on Minsk. 

The Polish government said: "By creating an artificial migration route and cynically exploiting migrants, [Belarus strongman Alexandar Lukashenko] is trying to destabilize Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, and to force the European Union to lift the sanctions imposed on the Minsk regime."

The EU has placed sanctions on Belarus for their fraudulent August 2020 presidential election, the results of which the EU does not recognise. 

Sanctions include a ban on the overflight of EU airspace and on access to EU airports by Belarusian carriers of all kinds.

Migrants setting up tents at border

Here is footage of migrants setting up tents at the Belarus-Poland border. 

Poland has closed its borders after migrants from the Middle East tried to forcibly enter the country. 

Up to 22, 000 migrants stuck in Belarus

There are reportedly between 8,000 and 22, 000 migrants from the Middle East now stuck in Belarus. 

Reports from Minsk have stated that never before have there been so many migrants on the streets. 

A group of 1,500 migrants have been sent to Belarus' border with Poland, escorted by armed conveys, some have forcefully tried to cross the border.

Poland has deployed 12,000 soldiers to defend the border.

Shots fired at Belarusian border

This video shows shots being fired at the Belarusian border. It is not clear who fired the shots but migrants are claiming it was Belarusian security forces 

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